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Version your CTFd setup configuration.

reference License Coverage Status
CodeQL OpenSSF Scoreboard SLSA Level 3

CTFd does not have the concept of configuration file, leading to deployment complications and the impossibility to version configurations. This is problematic for reproducibility or sharing configuration for debugging or replicating a CTF infrastructure.

Moreover, the setup API does not exist, so we had to map it to what the frontend calls in go-ctfd.

To fit those gaps, we built ctfd-setup on top of the CTFd API. This utility helps setup a CTFd instance from a YAML configuration file, CLI flags and environment variables. Thanks to this, you can integrate it using GitHub Actions, Drone CI or even as part of your IaC provisionning.

With ctfd-setup you can setup your CTFd in a second.

How to use

ctfd-setup utility used in GitHub Actions, Drone CI and Docker and Kubernetes initial container


You can use ctfd-setup as a CLI tool and provision it a YAML configuration file.

  name: 'My CTF'
  description: 'My CTF description'

  name: 'admin'
  email: 'admin@super.ctf'
  password: 'admin_password'

mode: users

We encourage you to version this file such that re-deployment is easy (e.g., for test purposes, or in case of a catastrophic failure of the infra during the event). Nevertheless, please do not commit the admin credentials ! Use from_env objects instead (refer to the YAML Schema for more info).

It could also deploy custom pages (like the index) as follows. This feature is not available in CLI, GitHub Actions and Drone CI.

# ... other configuration attributes

    - title: example index
      route: index
      format: markdown
      content: |
          <p>Some index page content</p>

For further configuration, please refer to the binary's specific API through ctfd-setup --help.

GitHub Actions

To improve our own workflows and share knownledges and tooling, we built a GitHub Action: ctfer-io/ctfd-setup. You can use it given the following example.

name: 'My workflow'

      - 'main'

    runs-on: 'ubuntu-latest'
      - name: 'Setup CTFd'
        uses: 'ctfer-io/ctfd-setup@v1.5.2'
          url: ${{ secrets.CTFD_URL }}
          file: '.ctfd.yaml'
          # or directly attributes
          appearance_name: 'My CTF'
          appearance_description: 'My CTF description'
          admin_name: ${{ secrets.ADMIN_USERNAME }}
          admin_email: ${{ secrets.ADMIN_EMAIL }}
          admin_password: ${{ secrets.ADMIN_PASSWORD }}
          # ... and so on (non-mandatory attributes)

Drone CI

This could also be used as part of a Drone CI use ctferio/ctfd-setup.

kind: pipeline
type: docker
name: 'My pipeline'

  - main
  - push

  # ...

  - name: 'Setup CTFd'
    image: 'ctferio/ctfd-setup@v1.5.2'
        from_secret: CTFD_URL
      file: '.ctfd.yaml'
      # or directly attributes
      appearance_name: 'My CTF'
      appearance_description: 'My CTF description'
        from_secret: ADMIN_USERNAME
        from_secret: ADMIN_EMAIL
        from_secret: ADMIN_PASSWORD
      # ... and so on (non-mandatory attributes)


For ease of use, you can generate and use the YAML schema using ctfd-setup schema.

(Optional) In your .ctfd.yaml file you could then prepend # yaml-language-server: $schema=file:///path/to/schema.json.


This will appear by default if your IDE has a YAML extension with support of the JSON SchemaStore.


Signature and Attestations

For deployment purposes (and especially in the deployment case of Kubernetes), you may want to ensure the integrity of what you run.

The release assets are SLSA 3 and can be verified using slsa-verifier using the following.

slsa-verifier verify-artifact "<path/to/release_artifact>"  \
  --provenance-path "<path/to/release_intoto_attestation>"  \
  --source-uri "" \
  --source-tag "<tag>"

The Docker image is SLSA 3 and can be verified using slsa-verifier using the following.

slsa-verifier slsa-verifier verify-image "ctferio/ctfd-setup:<tag>@sha256:<digest>" \
    --source-uri "" \
    --source-tag "<tag>"

Alternatives exist, like Kyverno for a Kubernetes-based deployment.


A SBOM for the whole repository is generated on each release and can be found in the assets of it. They are signed as SLSA 3 assets. Refer to Signature and Attestations to verify their integrity.

A SBOM is generated for the Docker image in its manifest, and can be inspected using the following.

docker buildx imagetools inspect "ctferio/ctfd-setup:<tag>" \
    --format "{{ json .SBOM.SPDX }}"