An SDK for integrating Honeybadger into your iOS and MacOS apps. This SDK can be used in both Swift and Objective-C projects.
To install via CocoaPods, create/open your Pods file and add a pod entry for 'Honeybadger'. Make sure use_frameworks! is specified.
target 'MyApp' do
pod 'Honeybadger'
Open your app in Xcode, then go to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency, and specify the Honeybadger Cocoa GitHub repo:
You will need your Honeybadger API key to initialize the Honeybadger library. You can log into your Honeybadger account to obtain your API key.
In your App Delegate, import the Honeybadger library:
import Honeybadger
@import Honeybadger;
In your didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
method, add the following code to initialize Honeybadger:
[Honeybadger configureWithAPIKey:@"{{PROJECT_API_KEY}}"];
Errors and exceptions will be automatically handled by the Honeybadger library, but you can also use the following API to customize error handling in your application.
You can use the notify methods to manually send an error as a string or Error/NSError object. If available, the Honeybadger library will attempt to extract a stack trace and any relevant information that might be useful. You can also optionally provide context, to include any relevant information about the error.
errorString: "My error"
errorString: "My error",
context: ["user_id" : "123abc"]
error: MyError("This is my custom error.")
error: MyError("This is my custom error."),
context: ["user_id" : "123abc"]
[Honeybadger notifyWithString:@"My error"];
notifyWithString:@"My error"
context:@{ @"user_id" : @"123abc" }
[Honeybadger notifyWithError:
[[NSError alloc] initWithDomain:@"my.test.error" code:-1 userInfo: @{}]
notifyWithError:[[NSError alloc] initWithDomain:@"my.test.error" code:-1 userInfo: @{}]
context:@{ @"user_id" : @"123abc" }
If you have data that you would like to include whenever an error or an exception occurs, you can provide that data using the setContext method. You can call setContext as many times as needed. New context data will be merged with any previously-set context data.
Honeybadger.setContext(context: ["user_id" : "123abc"]);
[Honeybadger setContext:@{@"user_id" : @"123abc"}];
If you've used setContext to store data, you can use resetContext to clear that data.
[Honeybadger setContext];
The Honeybadger iOS/MacOS SDK is MIT-licensed. See the LICENSE file in this repository for details.