My portfolio website that showcases my projects.
- React
- Netlify
- Font Awesome
- Material UI
- React Scrollspy
- React Typing Effect
- React-Flippy
- Dev Icons: and
Redesign navbar for tablet and mobile screens- Redesign intro page
- Add more social accounts: Medium, AngelList, and resume too!
- Do and add more projects!
Add more content for 'About Me' section- New skills sections:
- Front-end: HTML, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux, jQuery, Apollo, Gatsby
- Back-end: Express, Node, Python, Django, GraphQL
- Databases & Testing: MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Jest, React Testing Library, etc.
- Styling: CSS, Sass, Bootstrap, Material-UI, Materialize CSS, Tailwind CSS
- Hosting platforms: Heroku, Netlify, GitHub Pages, AWS, Azure
- Tools: Git, Figma, Trello, Jira, Asana, npm, Bash, etc.
- Add light and dark modes
Add 'Scroll to Top' button- Create a background shadow when user hovers/clicks over Project and Skills cards