- Apriori.py : loads dataset and mines strong association rules based on Apriori
- logger.py : definition of a class 'Logger'
- Datebase : dataset (e.g. supermarket shopping dataset)
- log : includes a series of log files keeping the result of Apriori under different experimental configurations
- Min_Conf remains unchanged. The larger Min_Sup is, the fewer frequent itemsets are mined, and the running time of the Apriori algorithm is relatively reduced.
- Min_Sup remains unchanged. The larger Min_Conf is, the fewer strong association rules are mined. There is no specific change pattern in the running time of the Apriori algorithm.
- When Min_Sup=0.3,Min_Conf=0.95, we still have:
- 1 ['常温熟食类', '进口食品'] -> ['饮料'] Conf=0.969957 Sup=0.302949
- 2 ['散装休闲食品', '进口食品'] -> ['饮料'] Conf=0.950207 Sup=0.306971
- 3 ['常温熟食类', '散装休闲食品'] -> ['饮料'] Conf=0.951020 Sup=0.312332