This is a website that performs emotion detection on submitted images. A user submits an image and a machine learning model detects the faces in the image and performs emotion analysis on them. Faces are classified as one of seven emotions: anger, disguist, fear, happiness, sadness and neutrality. The website was built using Flask. I used the face_recogniton library to detect faces in the image. I used Keras and the fer2013 database to train the emotion detection model. To learn more about the methodology, see my other repository containing the Colab notebooks at
The model file is too large to be pushed to this repository. Download the model from the following link:
This project has some problems. For some reason, no faces are detected in lots of images. I mostly did this project for the ai part and also to get better at deploying a model on a website. I would say I've accomplished what I wanted so I may not bother with this troubleshooting that I can't find a solution. I'm leaving the print statements here for now in case I want to come back to this project.