Extending culturefeed_entry_ui, upgrade to CDBXML3.3 and adding sitemap and content modules
This release extends and updates culturefeed_entry_ui, gives possibility to upgrade to CDBXML3.3 and adds the culturefeed_content and culturefeed_sitemap module. It also adds a lot of small features and bug fixes to culturefeed_agenda and culturefeed_search_ui, which had a major upgrade in the previous version. Compare to 3.5 here.
Important note |
Since the culturefeed 3.6 release PHP v5.5 is the minimum requirement and also the PHP INTL extension is needed. To install the extension on your system take a look at this blogpost. |
Upgrade to culturefeed-php v1.5.x
We had to upgrade culturefeed-php to v1.5.2 for this version. More info here.
If your composer.json looks like this you just need to run composer update
to update the library to v1.5.2
"require": {
"cultuurnet/search": "~1.0",
"cultuurnet/cdb": "~2.0",
"cultuurnet/culturefeed-php": "~1.0"
"minimum-stability": "stable"
See also 6907bf8.
Introduction of cdbxml 3.3
- ee6dd65, 5fd36c3, ec34b46,
a70d918, 45d1a3f, 1ba2fcc, 38045ca, afaf53f, b99d5a2, c44e3a9, ef211dc, 2ae752d, 1b13767, 9d089b0, 4540fdf
In this version you can switch to CDBXML 3.3 on 'admin/config/culturefeed/api-settings' and 'admin/config/culturefeed/search'. It's recommended to upgrade, it should be a little bit faster to. If you use Entry api you should post to 'entry/rest.uitdatabank.be/api/v3/' (also on 'admin/config/culturefeed/api-settings'). Changes are:
- new object for keywords (instead of string) with visible attribure
- adding weight and publisher attribute
- new media fields (TODO)
Introduction of new calendarsummaries
We introduced new calendarsummary formats with the external library, which results in better summaries then the ones provided by the API. TODO document the different formats. To use it add "cultuurnet/calendar-summary": "~1.0"
to composer.json.
Work for entry and collaboration
- 05a60f0, 3efff68, ec428bd, afe5700, dd248f1, 12ce5ea, 06fda0a add new collaboration tab (MSS-157) TODO add link to wiki
- 416d630 changes to tags (PWK-287) TODO add link to wiki
- 02627d4 new submodule culturefeed_location_control TODO add link to wiki
- dfcdd5b, 4f403dc, 25ace22, 3c80e0a, 3933333, 420e080, 6c65eb3, a7950e7, 6ebd9c2 new submodule culturefeed_tags_element (MSS-153) TODO add link to wiki
If you upgrade from 3.5 please switch on culturefeed_location_control and culturefeed_tags_element.
- addcd4e, 39ece02, 2b0c774, 7a5db29,
c29f6f8, 4e625d9, f26ecb7, 8445cd8, c9181aa, d906d3f, 156e4dd enable functionality to override view fiels with collaboration data and adding a default view, c8dcd7f (MSS-154 and MSS-157) TODO add link to wiki
- fd13642,
e605cbc, 42a2c8a, 022270e, 8c6d8be, 83b3703, 07f27d4 (MSS-156 and MSS-158) We added this new module which adds a field whcih you can add to any content type. TODO add link to wiki
- 77b8491, a017ee6, 9b54f31, 57db592, 891c0a2, 6ea99a4, e88e914, d6bb19f, e8dea70, 52a76c3, 9be12e2, ed86f71,
af02ccb, 32d37a3, 59ae8ec,
We introduced this new sitemap-xml module which uses the external library. TODO add wiki page. To use it add "cultuurnet/sitemap-xml": "~1.0"
to composer.json.
introducing mobile detect
We now use mobile detect library module which uses the external library. Mobile_Detect is a lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices. It uses the User-Agent string combined with specific HTTP headers to detect the mobile environment. To use it add "mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib": "dev-master"
to composer.json.
Other new features
- e14c584 added role to performers to use in theme (UIV-1242)
- a333a8d show alert if geolocation was not found (UIV-968)
- 8abfcbf add default radius when searching on current location (UIV-1103)
- 2a834c6, e80fedd, a44bd2a, 3c5dcc1, d12a6b0, e1491ea, 420e080, bf748d7
replace links in social share bar by framework options and fix notice (UIV-1085) - a363879, efd9324, a7cf571, b6752f6, 796191a, 82d4ece, bc18819 added support for flanders region clean url rewrites and also make sure that the old postal search keeps working (WK UIT-42)
- c07d4ea remove noindex on keyword searches
- 5835ae7, 52ab78b actor type categories as variable in preprocessor of actor (UIV-1107)
- 982a13d adding copyright-information (UIV-921)
- 6a0bca1 theme nearby actor suggestions (BH-83)
- 02a72ab, bad6671, 0b56867 add variable to theme if event is finished (UIV-141)
- 981f928, ae4f23a, 29d9551 make setting of default country (PWK-269)
- 54d5bf9 only use chkperm when user hase permission to edit events and copypaste bug on default organiser
- 4e6c211, fce7929 replacing messages and adding drupal_goto after saving (UIV-1041)
- 3cc3c58 expand category field with different options in CF search views (PWK-241)
- abe3552 adding show_term to terms table and use it in culturefeed_agenda_block_event_types (UIV-1239)
The update is included in culturefeed_search_update_7008 but you have to drush csit
after running this db update.
- 3794f96 add cdbid as a field in views (PWK-290)
- 99f5708, bf1ec9c add extra logic when no results
- a803fae set autofocus on city & location suggestions (UIV-1214)
- 2a0e0f7, d20b524, 67e70c4, e6916d8, 511c269, 5efbb33 adding new datepicker (WK UIT-38 en MSS-168)
- 2c8797b return only show=true terms for culturefeed_search_get_categories_by_domain() (UIV-1239) see also change in culturefeed_search
- 9ddbeb3, 3a6f22c, 4b52204 adding ' (+ boroughs/deelgemeenten/arrondissments/Stadtgemeinden)' to certain autocomplete labels (MSS-167)
- 56574bd, 9e7c658, fa21ef2, 470ef0a, 61f5c7d, fd5f535, b6c0804, eed9cb9, f1a47a3 add more cnapi parameters to redirect
- ff7ee90 move autocomplete javascript to culturefeed bootstrap (PWK-265)
- d553638, be0c0bc changed youtube embed modus to html5 (UIV-1203) and make Id of the youtube-video available as variable (UIV-921)
- 6d9dada, ddc825d, fe98a3f don't show sort options on no-result page (UIV-1247) and make it available to change location on no-result pages (UIV-1106)
- 1788b3b, cbc9ad2 added class 'facet-search' on ul-items for facets, class 'many-facets' for ul-items with more then 10 li's, data-size-attribute keeps the number of items (UIV-1003)
- f0c87c5 add activity_type as variable (UIV-996)
- 3ed6cbd fix "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'fbAppId' of undefined" (UIV-1276)
- 4f7b69d, 82b9676, ca93dc7 reduce notices of culturefeed_agenda (UIV-1266)
- 05b9aaa fix Fatal error: [] operator not supported for strings (UIV-1266)
- b0613a3, d28fe08 adding missing translations
- d920b79 use redirect naar alle/city-slug when city is in query (CEP-857)
- ea0df53 no vlieg-label for 12+ (UIV-1219)
- 9d8d014, 34b6080 fixing bugs and notices in actor and production program blocks (UIV-1326)
- 52f62c3 fix spatial query for movie theaters (UIV-1117)
- ae43e4b hide reservation-url if it's the same as ticket-link (UIV-919)
- 47c72db, aa8a538 adding missing translations
- 15fa1c7 fix duplicate FB share dialog when calendar is enabled (UIV-1085)
- 2482e72 events today are not finished yet (UIV-1204)
- 2fa7f62 fix empty city !=BE after saving (PWK-266)
- 660d708, 07ffa95, 8cc68c1, 1228312 adding missing translations
- e008699 prevent doubles in saved searches (UIV-1173)
- f097ecc fix change email link in saved searches form (UIV-1125)
- 1a9c5c1 add format_plural on saved searches count (UIV-1144)
- 83a8d8c, c0efe96 remove datatype form saved search title (UIV-1034)
- 8235ba0 fix the bug that users can save the same searches multiple times (UIV-1173)
- d9e4879 fix for too big saved-search-button (UIV-1291)
- 7be16a0 fix bug found on caching actor suggestions
- 3ad57f7, 892e4a8 group by event_production in culturefeed_search_views (UIV-1225)
- 5f9d2cd fix typo
- c1ca90a add scale parameter to image field (CF-424)
- 63ae614 use 00:00:00 as startdate instead of 00:00:01 (UIV-1232)
- 0de13bd fix for weird signs in autocomplete list of location search (UIV-1344)
- f77bb51 fix & translate delete activity modal (UIV-1283)
- 521ec82 fix title on recent activities page (CEP-702)
- df41d8a fix for navigation in IE8 (UIV-1285)
- a6eca0d small bugfixes