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10. Getting Started

cunaedy edited this page Jun 27, 2019 · 1 revision


  1. Simply download the zip file.
  2. Extract in your local machine or server.
  3. Create a new database (or use existing one), make sure that it is: MySQL or MariaDB.
  • For best compatibility, use UTF8 as collation.
  1. With your browser, open your web site, eg:
  2. You will be promoted to install the script, do so by following the on screen instruction.
  3. Fill the necessary information, including Server Address, database name, password, etc, click "Next".
  4. The installer should create includes/db_config.php for you.
  • 😢 But if somehow the installer failed to create one, you will be presented with an instruction on how to create one.
  • 😀 Simply copy & paste the code, and save it to includes/db_config.php.

Running For The First Time

⚠️ Before running the script, be sure to remove the installation folder. Remove the /install folder.

Accessing the ACP (Administrator's Control Panel)

Open your site name, add /admin as address. Eg: If you have renamed the ACP folder name, use the new name.

Renaming Administrator's Folder

💡 To increase site security, you can rename the administration (admin) folder from /admin to /any_folder.

  1. Rename the /admin folder.
  2. Use any text editor to edit /includes/db_config.php
  3. On line 10, you should find this configuration:
$qe_admin_folder = 'admin';
  1. Simply change the value to the new name.