Cross-platform C++ framework for scalable, asynchronous, distributed client-server applications.
Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
- Linux - (tested on latest Fedora i686/x86_64 and Raspian on Raspberry Pi 2 armv7l) - gcc
- FreeBSD - (tested on FreeBSD/PcBSD 10.3) - llvm
- Darwin/OSX - (waiting for XCode 8 with support for thread_local) - llvm
- Windows - (partial) - latest VisualStudio
- solid_system:
- Wrappers for socket/file devices, socket address, directory access
- Debug log engine
- solid_utility:
- Any - similar to boost::any
- Event - Event class containing an ID a solid::Any object and a Category (similar to std::error_category)
- InnerList - bidirectional list mapped over a vector/deque
- Stack - alternative to std::stack
- Queue - alternative to std:queue
- WorkPool - generic thread pool
- solid_serialization: binary serialization/marshalling
- binary::Serializer
- binary::Deserializer
- TypeIdMap
- solid_frame:
- Object - reactive object
- Manager - store services and notifies objects within services
- Service - store and notifies objects
- Reactor - active store of objects - allows objects to asynchronously react on events
- Scheduler - a thread pool of reactors
- Timer - allows objects to schedule time based events
- shared::Store - generic store of shared objects that need either multiple read or single write access
- solid_frame_aio: asynchronous communication library using epoll on Linux and kqueue on FreeBSD/macOS
- Object - reactive object with support for Asynchronous IO
- Reactor - reactor with support for Asynchronous IO
- Listener - asynchronous TCP listener/server socket
- Stream - asynchronous TCP socket
- Datagram - asynchronous UDP socket
- Timer - allows objects to schedule time based events
- solid_frame_aio_openssl: SSL support via OpenSSL
- solid_frame_file
- file::Store - a shared store for files
- solid_frame_ipc: asynchronous Secure/Plain TCP inter-process communication engine (IPC library)
- ipc::Service - asynchronously sends and receives messages to/from multiple peers.
Following are the steps for:
- fetching the SolidFrame code
- building the prerequisites folder
- building and installing SolidFrame
- using SolidFrame in your projects
Please note that boost framework is only used for building SolidFrame. Normally, SolidFrame libraries would not depend on boost.
System prerequisites:
- C++11 enabled compiler: gcc-c++ on Linux and clang on FreeBSD and macOS (minimum: XCode 8/Clang 8).
- CMake
Bash commands for installing SolidFrame:
$ mkdir ~/work
$ cd ~/work
$ git clone
$ mkdir extern
$ cd extern
$ ../solidframe/prerequisites/
# ... wait until the prerequisites are built
$ cd ../solidframe
$ ./configure -e ~/work/extern --prefix ~/work/extern
$ cd build/release
$ make install
# ... when finished, the header files will be located in ~/work/extern/include/solid
# and the libraries at ~/work/extern/lib/libsolid_*.a
If debug build is needed, the configure line will be:
$ ./configure -b debug -e ~/work/extern --prefix ~/work/extern
$ cd build/debug
For more information about ./configure script use:
$ ./configure --help
Windows is not yet supported.
SolidFrame is an experimental framework to be used for implementing cross-platform C++ network enabled applications or modules.
The consisting libraries only depend on C++ STL with two exceptions:
- solid_frame_aio_openssl: which obviously depends on OpenSSL
- solid_frame_ipc: which, by using solid_frame_aio_openssl implicitly depends on OpenSSL too.
In order to keep the framework as dependency-free as possible some components that can be found in other libraries/frameworks were re-implemented here too, most of them being locate in either solid_utility or solid_system libraries.
The next paragraphs will briefly present every library.
The library consists of wrappers around system calls for:
- socketaddress.hpp: socket addresses, synchronous socket address resolver
- nanotime.hpp: high precision clock
- debug.hpp: debug log engine
- device.hpp, seekabledevice.hpp, filedevice.hpp, socketdevice.hpp: devices (aka descriptors/handles) for: files, sockets etc.
- directory.hpp: basic file-system directory operations
The most notable component is the debug log engine which allows sending log records to different locations:
- file (with support for rotation)
- stderr/stdlog
- socket endpoint
The debug engine defines some macros for easily specify log lines. The macros are only active (do something) when SolidFrame is compiled with SOLID_HAS_DEBUG (e.g. maintain and debug builds). Also, the debug engine has support for registering modules and for specifying enabled log levels. Here is an example:
Debug::the().moduleMask("frame_ipc:iew any:ew");
//a log line for module "any"
edbg("starting aio server scheduler: "<<err.message());
//a log line for a predefined module "frame_ipc" aka Debug::ipc
idbgx(Debug::ipc, this<<" enqueue message "<<_rpool_msg_id<<" to connection "<<this<<" retval = "<<success);
In the above code we:
- Set the global levelMask to "view" (V = Verbose, I = Info, E = Error, W = Warning).
- Enable logging for only two modules: "frame_ipc" and "any" (the generic module used by [v/i/e/w]dbg() macros). For "frame_ipc" restrict the level mask to {Info, Error, Warning} and for "any" restrict it to only {Error and Warning}.
- Configure the debug log engine to send log records to stderr.
- Send a log error line for "any" module.
- Send a log info line for "frame_ipc" module.
The Debug engine allows for registering new modules like this:
static const auto my_module_id = Debug::the().registerModule("my_module");
//enable the module
Debug::the().moduleMask("frame_ipc:iew any:ew my_module:view");
//log a INFO line for the module:
idbgx(my_module_id, "error starting engine: "<<error.mesage());
or like this:
static unsigned my_module_id(){
static const auto id = Debug::the().registerModule("my_module");
return id;
//enable the module
Debug::the().moduleMask("frame_ipc:iew any:ew my_module:view");
//log a INFO line for the module:
idbgx(my_module_id(), "error starting engine: "<<error.mesage());
The library consists of tools needed by upper level libraries:
- any.hpp: A variation on boost::any / experimental std::any with storage for emplacement new so it is faster when the majority of sizeof objects that get stored in any<> fall under a given value.
- event.hpp: Definition of an Event object, a combination between something like std::error_code and an solid::Any<>.
- innerlist.hpp: A container wrapper which allows implementing bidirectional lists over a std::vector/std::deque (extensively used by the solid_frame_ipc library).
- memoryfile.hpp: A data store with file like interface.
- workpool.hpp: Generic thread pool.
- dynamictype.hpp: Base for objects with alternative support to dynamic_cast
- dynamicpointer.hpp: Smart pointer to "dynamic" objects - objects with alternative support to dynamic_cast.
- queue.hpp: An alternative to std::queue
- stack.hpp: An alternative to std::stack
- algorithm.hpp: Some inline algorithms
- common.hpp: Some bits related algorithms
Here are some sample code for some of the above tools:
Any: Sample code
using AnyT = solid::Any<>;
AnyT a;
a = std::string("Some text");
std::string *pstr = a.cast<std::string>();
Some code to show the difference from boost::any:
using AnyT = solid::Any<128>;
struct A{
uint64_t a;
uint64_t b;
double c;
struct B{
uint64_t a;
uint64_t b;
double c;
char buf[64];
struct C{
uint64_t a;
uint64_t b;
double c;
char buf[128];
AnyT a;
a = std::string("Some text");//as long as sizeof(std::string) <= 128 no allocation is made - Any uses placement new()
a = A();//as long as sizeof(A) <= 128 no allocation is made - Any uses placement new()
a = B();//as long as sizeof(B) <= 128 no allocation is made - Any uses placement new()
a = C();//sizeof(C) > 128 so new allocation is made - Any uses new
Event: Sample code
Create a new event category:
enum struct AlphaEvents{
using AlphaEventCategory = EventCategory<AlphaEvents>;
const AlphaEventCategory alpha_event_category{
[](const AlphaEvents _evt){
case AlphaEvents::First:
return "first";
case AlphaEvents::Second:
return "second";
case AlphaEvents::Third:
return "third";
return "unknown";
Handle events:
void Object::handleEvent(Event &&_revt){
static const EventHandler<void, Object&> event_handler = {
[](Event &_revt, Object &_robj){cout<<"handle unknown event "<<_revt<< on "<<&_robj<<endl;},
[](Event &_revt, Object &_robj){cout<<"handle event "<<_revt<<" on "<<&_robj<<endl;}
[](Event &_revt, Object &_robj){cout<<"handle event "<<_revt<<" on "<<&_robj<<endl;}
[](Event &_revt, Object &_robj){cout<<"handle event "<<_revt<<"("<<*_revt.any().cast<std::string>()<<") on "<<&_robj<<endl;}
event_handler.handle(_revt, *this);
Creating events:
rbase.handleEvent(generic_event_category.event(GenericEvents::Message, std::string("Some text")));
InnerList: Sample code
MemoryFile: Sample code
- binary.hpp: Binary "asynchronous" serializer/deserializer.
- binarybasic.hpp: Some "synchronous" load/store functions for basic types.
- typeidmap.hpp: Class for helping "asynchronous" serializer/deserializer support polymorphism: serialize pointers to base classes.
The majority of serializers/deserializers offers the following functionality:
- Synchronously serialize a data structure to a stream (e.g. std::ostringstream)
- Synchronously deserialize a data structure from a stream (e.g. std::istringstream)
This means that at a certain moment, one will have the data structure twice in memory: the initial one and the one from the stream.
The solid_serialization library takes another, let us call it "asynchronous" approach. In solid_serialization the marshaling is made in two overlapping steps:
- Push data structures into serialization/deserialization engine. No serialization is done at this step. The data structure is split into sub-parts known by the serialization engine and scheduled for serialization.
- Marshaling/Unmarshaling
- Marshaling: Given a fixed size buffer buffer (char*) do:
- call to fill the buffer
- do something with the filled buffer - write it on socket, on file etc.
- loop until serialization finishes.
- Unmarshaling: Given a fixed size buffer (char*) do:
- fill the buffer with data from a file/socket etc.
- call with the given data
- loop until deserialization finishes
- Marshaling: Given a fixed size buffer buffer (char*) do:
This approach allows serializing data that is bigger than the system memory - e.g. serializing a data structure containing a file stream (see ipc file tutorial especially messages definition).
A structure with serialization support:
struct Test{
using KeyValueVectorT = std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>;
using MapT = std::map<std::string, uint64_t>;
std::string str;
KeyValueVectorT kv_vec;
MapT kv_map;
uint32_t v32;
template <class S>
void serialize(S &_s){
_s.push(str, "Test::str");
_s.pushContainer(kv_vec, "Test::kv_vec").pushContainer(kv_map, "Test::kv_map");
_s.pushCross(v32, "Test::v32");
Defining the serializer/deserializer/typeidmap:
#include "solid/serialization/binary.hpp"
using SerializerT = serialization::binary::Serializer<void>;
using DeserializerT = serialization::binary::Deserializer<void>;
using TypeIdMapT = serialization::TypeIdMap<SerializerT, DeserializerT>;
Prepare the typeidmap:
TypeIdMapT typemap;
typemap.registerType<Test>(0/*protocol ID*/);
Serialize and deserialize a Test structure:
std::string data;
SerializerT ser(&typeidmap);
const int bufcp = 64;
char buf[bufcp];
int rv;
std::shared_ptr<Test> test_ptr = Test::create();
ser.push(test_ptr, "test_ptr");
while((rv =, bufcp)) > 0){
data.append(buf, rv);
DeserializerT des(&typeidmap);
std::shared_ptr<Test> test_ptr;
des.push(test_ptr, "test_ptr");
size_t rv =, data.size());
SOLID_CHECK(rv == data.size());
The library offers the base support for an asynchronous active object model and implementation for objects with basic support for notification and timer events.
- manager.hpp: A synchronous, passive store of ObjectBase grouped by services.
- object.hpp: An active object with support for events: notification events and timer events.
- reactor.hpp: An active store of Objects with support for notification events and timer events.
- reactorcontext.hpp: A context class given as parameter to every callback called from the reactor.
- scheduler.hpp: A generic pool of threads running reactors.
- service.hpp: A way of grouping related objects.
- timer.hpp: Used by Objects needing timer events.
- sharedstore.hpp: A store of shared object with synchronized non-conflicting read/read-write access.
- reactorbase.hpp: Base for all reactors
- timestore.hpp: Used by reactors for timer events support.
- schedulerbase.hpp: Base for all schedulers.
- objectbase.hpp: Base for all active Objects
Usefull links
The library extends solid_frame with active objects supporting IO, notification and timer events.
- aiodatagram.hpp: Used by aio::Objects to support asynchronous UDP communication.
- aiostream.hpp: Used by aio::Objects to support asynchronous TCP communication.
- aiotimer.hpp: Used by aio::Objects needing timer events.
- aiolistener.hpp: Used by aio::Objects listening for TCP connections.
- aiosocket.hpp: Plain socket access used by Listener/Stream and Datagram
- aioresolver.hpp: Asynchronous address resolver.
- aioreactorcontext.hpp: A context class given as parameter to every callback called from the aio::Reactor.
- aioreactor.hpp: An active store of aio::Objects with support for IO, notification and timer events.
Usefull links
The library extends solid_frame_aio with support for Secure Sockets.
- aiosecuresocket.hpp: Used by aio::Stream for SSL.
- aiosecurecontext.hpp: OpenSSL context wrapper.
Inter Process Communication library via Plain/Secure TCP connections and a protocol based on solid_serialization.
- ipcservice.hpp: Main interface of the library. Sends ipc::Messages to different recipients and receives ipc::Messages.
- ipcmessage.hpp: Base class for all messages sent through ipc::Service.
- ipccontext.hpp: A context class given to all callbacks called by the ipc library.
- ipcconfiguration.hpp: Configuration data for ipc::Service.
Usefull links
The library offers a specialization of frame::ShareStore for files.
- filestore.hpp: specialization of frame::SharedStore for files with support for temporary files.
- filestream.hpp: std::stream support
- tempbase.hpp: Base class for temporary files: either in memory or disk files.