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A simple module which helps to manage a pub/sub behavior with the PostgreSQL updates in the real-time through HTTP/SSE/WebSockets connection

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A simple module which helps to manage a pub/sub behavior with the PostgreSQL updates in the real-time through HTTP/SSE/WebSockets connection.

Note: this lib is currently compatible only with a Postgres client from node-postgres. If you use any other client this lib isn't suitable for you.

Table of Content


To install package, use: npm install pg-real.



To establish a connection to the DB use SubClient class. It inherits Client class from node-postgres module with an additional functionality ti set Functions, Triggers, and Listeners.

Pass connection configuration to the class during instantiation to set desired settings. Review node-postgres Client documentation to get more information how to setup Postgres Client.


const { user, password, host, port, database } = config;
const connectionString = `postgres://${user}:${password}@${host}:${port}/${database}`;
const client = new SubClient(connectionString);

Set Functions and Triggers

To create Function, use one of the predefined functions from the list of functions or create your own.

Note: If you create your owm function, use a name of a notification channel to subscribe on the Postgres updates.


const customFunction = Functions.custom('test_channel_name');
const afterAllFunction = Functions.afterAll('public', 'test');

const own_channel_name = 'own_channel_name';
const ownFunction = `
   CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ${own_channel_name}_notifier() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$
         IF TG_OP = 'UPDATE' THEN
            PERFORM pg_notify(CAST('${own_channel_name}' AS text), row_to_json(NEW)::text);
         END IF;
         RETURN NEW;
   $$ LANGUAGE "plpgsql";`;

To create Trigger, use one of the predefined triggers from the list of triggers or create your own.

Note: If you create your owm trigger, use a name of a corresponding function to set it on event.

Note: For custom trigger triggerName should be equal to the channel name.


const customTrigger = Triggers.custom({schema: 'public', table: 'test', triggerName: 'own_channel_name' }, {before: false, update: true, when: " = '12345'"});
const afterAllTrigger = Triggers.afterAll({schema: 'public', table: 'test'}, { when: " = '12345'" });

const own_trigger_name = 'own_channel_name';
const ownFunction = `
   DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS ${own_trigger_name} ON public.test;
   CREATE TRIGGER ${own_trigger_name} AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON public.test FOR EACH ROW WHEN = '12345' EXECUTE PROCEDURE ${own_channel_name}_notifier();`;   

After creation set function to the client using setFunction and setTrigger methods of the SubClient instance.


await client.setFunctions(customFunction.function);
await client.setTriggers(customTrigger.trigger);


You can initialize any kind of a connection using pg-real module: HTTP(S), SSE, and WebSockets. Each connection class takes response context as an input parameters during instantiation.

It's not required to use pg-real connectors. You can set all the headers and statuses by yourself, just ensure to implement a correct subscription callback.


const connection = new SSEConnector(ctx.response).send('start');
connection.send(channel, payload);


To subscribe on the Postgres events use Subscriber class. Pass SubClient or node-postgres Client during instantiation of the class.


const subscriber = new Subscriber(client);

To kick listening on a trigger use startListen method. Postgres starts consume events for a corresponding trigger and call notifier.



After that you can subscribe on the events from notifier.

Note: We are highly recommend you to store subscription id for the farther ability to unsubscribe.


  const afterAllSubscribtionId = await subscriber.subscribe(, connection.send.bind(connection));
  const customSubscribtionId = await subscriber.subscribe(, (channel, payload) => {
      * Do what you need here
      * For instance, connection.send(channel, payload)
      * */

Client side

From client side, make request to API. Specify any information which could help to implement a correct subscription.


const source = new EventSource(`http://${host}:${port}/${endpoint}?id=12345`);

source.addEventListener('message', function (event) {
}, false);

source.addEventListener('own_channel_name', function (event) {
}, false);


Try always unsubscribe from the triggers: on the end of connection, after client unsubscribe, etc.


ctx.request.on('close', () => {
    subscriber.unsubscribe(, customSubscribtionId);
});'/unsubscribe', (ctx) => {
    const { channel, id } = ctx.request.body;
    subscriber.unsubscribe(channel, id);


To manage subscriptions use Subscriber class. This class takes SubClient instance as an input parameter and use it to connect to the PostgreSQL.

const subscriber = new Subscriber(client);

SubClient includes several useful methods:

  • subscribe: Function | Stream | Connector.send - subscribes to the events, links channel to a corresponding receiver. The receiver will get a message based on the channel name. If a list of the channels don't specified, the receiver will be linked to the all of them. Receiver could be:
    • function;
    • stream;
    • send method of the connector.
    const fn = (channel, payload) => { console.log(channel, payload); };
    subscriber.subscribe("channel_1", fn);
    subscriber.subscribe("channel_2", new PassThrough());
    subscriber.subscribe(["channel_1", "channel_2"], connector.send.bind(connector));
  • unsubscribe: string, string - unsubscribes from the events, unlinks channel from a corresponding receiver. If nothing is supplied, all subscribers are removed. If only channel is sent, all subscribers to that channel are unsubscribed.
    subscriber.unsubscribe("channel_2", customSubscribtionId);
  • startListen: string | string[] - starts listening on the event:
    subscriber.startListen(["channel_1", "channel_2"]);
  • stopListen: string | string[] - stops listening on the event (if no channels are specified, all listeners are unsubscribed):
    subscriber.stopListen(["channel_1", "channel_2"]);


A PostgreSQL client is a main thing we need for notifier. We recommend to use our SubClient from this lib but you also can use your own client.

const connectionString = `postgres://${user}:${password}@${host}:${port}}/${database}`;
const client = new SubClient(connectionString);
this.client.connect().then(console.log(`Connected to ${connectionString}`));

SubClient includes several the next methods:

  • setFunctions:string | string[] - takes query to create a function (go to Functions section to get more info);
    const { function } = Functions.afterAll('public', 'test');
  • dropFunctions:string | string[] - takes function name and drop it;
    const { name } = Functions.afterAll('public', 'test');
  • setTrigger:string | string[] - takes query to create a trigger (go to Triggers section to get more info);
    const { trigger } = Triggers.afterAll({
      schema: 'public', 
      table: 'test' 
  • removeTriggers:string | string[] - takes trigger name and drop it, Require schema and table name;
    const { name } = Triggers.afterAll({
      schema: 'public', 
      table: 'test' 
    client.removeTriggers(name, 'public', 'test');
  • setListeners:string | string[] - take channel name and activate listening;
    const { channel } = Functions.afterAll('public', 'test');
  • removeListeners:string | string[] - take channel name and stop listening;
    const { channel } = Functions.afterAll('public', 'test');


As per Postgres documentation:

PostgreSQL provides these helper functions to retrieve information from event triggers.

For more information reference an official documentation.

The functions handle events from Postgres based on the preconfitions


As per Postgres documentation:

PL/pgSQL can be used to define trigger functions on data changes or database events. A trigger function is created with the CREATE FUNCTION command, declaring it as a function with no arguments and a return type of trigger (for data change triggers) or event_trigger (for database event triggers).

For more information reference an official documentation.

pg-real uses triggers to subscribe to the database changes. User can both specify own functions or use predefined general methods.

For predefined triggers database table name is required. You also can set schema path, 'public' schema is used by default. Columns names are optional and could be used for more accuracy. Trigger generators also take options parameters.

The list of trigger generators:

  • common: path: ITriggerPath, options: ITriggerOptions - creates trigger based on the options;
  • afterAll: path: ITriggerPath, options: ITriggerOptions - emits after any change on the table or column if defined;
  • beforeAll: path: ITriggerPath, options: ITriggerOptions - emits before any change on the table or column if defined;
  • afterInsert: path: ITriggerPath, options: ITriggerOptions - emits after insert to the table;
  • beforeInsert: path: ITriggerPath], options: ITriggerOptions - emits before insert to the table;
  • afterUpdate: path: ITriggerPath, options: ITriggerOptions - emits after update on the table or column if defined;
  • beforeUpdate: path: ITriggerPath, options: ITriggerOptions - emits before any change on the table or column if defined;
  • afterDelete: path: ITriggerPath, options: ITriggerOptions - emits after delete on the table or column if defined;
  • beforeDelete: path: ITriggerPath, options: ITriggerOptions - emits before delete on the table or column if defined;

where path includes:

  • schema: string - schema name, default: public;
  • table: string - table name, required;
  • columns: string[] - list of columns, used for the update events;
  • triggerName: string - custom trigger name, used only for custom method;

and options could be:

  • unique: boolean - creates unique trigger name;
  • when: string - adds where close for the update events;
  • insert, update, delete: boolean - used only in the common trigger, indicates a type of the event;
  • before: boolean - if true, creates before trigger; if false, creates after trigger.

Why uniques is important?

When we want to subscribe a client to a specific event based on the client specific data (id, filter, etc.) and we want to be triggered only for him, but we've already have a trigger on the same table we need to specify a unique trigger to not override an existent one.


Notifications from Postgres could be sent with HTTP/HTTPS, SSE or WebSockets. You can create your own connection or use one of the supplied classes.


Use HttpConnector to create new HTTP connection. Response object should be supplied as an input parameter.


  • res - response object;


  • send: <payload: string, channel: string> - sends message to the user. Channel is an optional.


1) new HttpConnector(ctx.response).send('start');
2) new HttpConnector(ctx.response).send('start', 'after_insert_users');


Use SSEConnector to create new SSE connection. Response object should be supplied as an input parameter.

Note: Supports Express and Koa.


  • res - response object;


  • send: <payload: string, channel: string> - sends message to the stream. Channel is an optional.


1) new SSEConnector(ctx.response).send('start');
2) new SSEConnector(ctx.response).send('start', 'after_insert_users');


Use SocketConnector to create new WebSocket connection. Socket object should be supplied as an input parameter.

Note: Supports Express and Koa.


  • socket - socket object;


  • send: <payload: string, channel: string> - sends message to the socket. Channel is an optional.


1) new SocketConnector(socket).send('start');
2) new SocketConnector(socket).send('start', 'after_insert_users');


A simple module which helps to manage a pub/sub behavior with the PostgreSQL updates in the real-time through HTTP/SSE/WebSockets connection



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