This page contains a list of videos channels, books, articles and other
ressources that explain fundamental aspects of computation in easy to follow
terms. The ressources are similar to the curiositas
project in spirit, but
not affiliated with it in any way.
The overarching theme is how computation works and how computation drives real
world systems, at least on the model-level humans use to make sense of the real
world. All ressources are in english language unless otherwise noted.
- 📺 Computerphile - visual explanations on computer science topics.
- 📺 Reducible - algorithms and problem solving in computer science.
- 📺 ArtemKirsanov - neural networks and AI.
Books and Articles
- 🕮 The Art of Computer Programming - monumental book series about algorithms, data structures and computer science.
- 🕮 Elements of Programming - translation of algebra to data structures and algorithms.
- 🕮 From Mathematics to Generic Programming - similar to
Elements of Programming
but a lighter read. - 🕮 Algorithms for Modern Hardware - book of how algorithms work on modern hardware.
- 🕮 Implementing Useful Algorithms in C++ | Github Repo - presents workable code for a wide selection of topics with additional text, sometimes just notes.
- 📺 Numberphile - visual explanations of mathematical topics.
- 📺 3Blue1Brown - provides visual plausibilization for the computational and mathematical concepts.
- 📺 Mathologer - proofs and visualizations of diverse mathematical topics.
- 📺 Urknall, Weltall und das Leben 🇩🇪 - plain explanation of deep physics and astronomy.
- 📺 Videowissen 🇩🇪 🇬🇧 - additional content of
Urknall, Weltall und das Leben
. - 📺 braintruffle - demonstrates fluid simulations.
- 📺 Dr. Jorge S. Diaz - explains the thinking and experiments that lead to the fundamental physics theories.
Books and Articles
- 🕮 Können wir die Welt verstehen? 🇩🇪 - explains the theories humankind created over the centuries building up to the latest understanding of physics.
- 🕮 Kosmologie 🇩🇪 - explains the current understanding of cosmology.
- 🗐 Stephen Wolfram Writings - articles of Stephen Wolfram about physics and computation.
- 📺 Biochemistry and the Processess of Life
- 📺 Biology and Information Theory - Playlist of William Bialek Lectures - biological systems under the lense of information theory.
- 📺 Veritasium - entertaining explanations of mathematical and natural sciences phenomena.