A serverless zero trust API for Vercel deployent protected with self contained JWTs
Run createCerts.sh
to generate a certificate trust chain for testing purposes. Import the certificates in the Curity Identity Server.
Install the Vercel client
brew install vercel-cli
Login to Vercel
vercel login
Install dependencies
npm install
Deploy the code to Vercel and provide the ISS
env variables in the deploy command or configure the environment variables in the Vercel Web UI.
vercel --env ISS=https://idsvr.example.com/oauth/v2/oauth-anonymous --env AUD=www --env ALG='RS256' --env CERT_LOCATION='../certs' deploy
Optionally promote to production
vercel --prod
Run a flow that obtains a JWT access token then call the Vercel deployed API. Further details in the Securing a Serverless API on Vercel using JWTs article.
Please visit curity.io for more information about the Curity Identity Server.