This code implements "Interactive GPU active contours for segmenting inhomogeneous objects". Please cite if you find it useful.
- Make sure kernels directory is next to the compiled binary
- If on linux, make sure "glxgears" works
- Make sure your drivers are up to date
- Compile using CMake
- Typical usage scenario:
./IGAC -p nvidia -i data/noiseTumour3D.tif
Click here to view application hotkeys
./IGAC-arch -i <string> -p <string> [-o <string>] [--phi <string>] [-d
<string>] [--device <int>] [-r <float>] [-s <float>] [-g
<float>] [--maxiter <float>] [--cr <float>] [--cz <float>]
[--cy <float>] [--cx <float>] [--awgn <float>] [--lambda2
<float>] [--lambda1 <float>] [--alf <float>] [--nu <float>]
[--mu <float>] [--timestep <float>] [--sigma <float>] [--]
[--version] [-h]
-i <string>, --image <string>
(required) Tiff image [path/image.tif]
-p <string>, --platform <string>
(required) Platform ID string [intel, nvidia, default, ...]
-o <string>, --output <string>
Optional Save Tiff [path/filename.tif]
--phi <string>
Optional Tiff image for initial phi seed region [path/phi.tif]
-d <string>, --type <string>
--device <int>
Choose specific device id rather than max flops [0, 1, ...]
-r <float>, --range <float>
Segmentation range
-s <float>, --smooth <float>
Smoothing weight
-g <float>, --grow <float>
Prefer to shrink or grow
--maxiter <float>
(Optional Advanced) Maximum iterations
--cr <float>
(Optional Advanced) Seed circle/sphere radius
--cz <float>
(Optional Advanced) Seed sphere z position
--cy <float>
(Optional Advanced) Seed circle/sphere y position
--cx <float>
(Optional Advanced) Seed circle/sphere x position
--awgn <float>
(Optional Advanced) AWGN intensity variation to prevent zero division
--lambda2 <float>
(Optional Advanced) Function of grow parameter
--lambda1 <float>
(Optional Advanced) Function of grow parameter
--alf <float>
(Optional Advanced) Data weight term (constant)
--nu <float>
(Optional Advanced) Same as curvature term
--mu <float>
(Optional Advanced) Signed distance function term (constant)
--timestep <float>
(Optional Advanced) Timestep (constant)
--sigma <float>
(Optional Advanced) Same as range parameter
--, --ignore_rest
Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.
Displays version information and exits.
-h, --help
Displays usage information and exits.