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Christof Wollenhaupt edited this page Apr 9, 2019 · 2 revisions

Using foxCryptoNG

Creating hash values

loCrypt = NewObject ("foxCryptoNG", "foxCryptoNG.prg")

* SHA-256
? loCrypt.Hash_SHA256 ("FoxPro rocks!")
* prints "A8000A53615647EF29F3CF4F38C21DE6C4E820882573B4F6937267231D61F583"

* SHA-512
? loCrypt.Hash_SHA512 ("FoxPro rocks!")
* prints "3A002D3FE28417EC0384800D9FBD2CFC7FF73705D3A36A1CEE9CF6410426BCCD881331DDE37A02C25421B5D37DCE854A291928FBCC2FBE17D383989F71A9CF84"

Distributing foxCryptoNG

Include foxCryptoNG.prg in your project and call as shown in the previous section. That's it. There are no external dependencies.

Requires Windows Vista or later.

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