Install the required dependencies on both localhost and remotehost
# clone the repository
git clone
# cd into project directory
cd cybershuttle-notebook-gateway/
# install micromamba (recommended)
"${SHELL}" <(curl -L
# create an environment with python 3.10
micromamba env create -n cybershuttle --file environment.yml
# activate environment
micromamba activate cybershuttle
First, run the cybershuttle gateway on remotehost
# activate environment
micromamba activate cybershuttle
# start gateway on remotehost
python -m cybershuttle_gateway --port=<gateway_server_port>
Open http://<gateway_server_host>:<gateway_server_port>
on a web browser. Next, click the "Add Cluster" button. This will open up a form. Provide the cluster specs in the form fields, and submit.
This will create a new cluster entry on the gateway.
Once created, the jupyterlab extension will start displaying this cluster as an option.
If you installed using micromamba, both the cybershuttle extension and jupyter lab will be already installed.
# activate environment
micromamba activate cybershuttle
# start jupyter lab on localhost
python -m jupyter lab
You can also build and run a container from the provided Dockerfile.
docker buildx build -t cybershuttle-notebook:local .
docker run -p 8888:8888 -t cybershuttle-notebook:local