This product is now obsolete, and we recommend you use:
The SDK provides custom native UI elements to get you started easily without having to design the elements yourself.
We recommend that you install the Cyberpay SDK using the Cocoapods package manager.
The Cyberpay iOS SDK is compatible with iOS Apps supporting IOS 9 and above.
If you haven't already, install the latest version of CocoaPods
Add this line to your podfile
pod 'cyberpaysdk', :git => '', :tag => '1.1.3'
Run the following command in your terminal after navigating to your project directory.
pod install
Ensure you use the .xcworkspace file to open your project in Xcode instead of .xcodeproj.
Step 1: Configure API Keys After installation of the Cyberpay SDK, configure it with your API Integration Key gotten from your merchant dashboard, for test and production
import UIKit
import cyberpaysdk
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
var window: UIWindow?
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
// Override point for customization after application launch.
CyberpaySDK.shared.initializeTestEnvironment(key: "TEST_API_KEY")
// CyberpaySDK.shared.initializeLiveEnvironment(key: "LIVE_API_KEY")
return true
Note : Ensure when going live, you initialize the Live API key CyberpaySDK.shared.initializeLiveEnvironment(key: "LIVE_API_KEY")
instead of the Test API key CyberpaySDK.shared.initializeTestEnvironment(key: "TEST_API_KEY")
. This key can be gotten from the merchant
dashboard on the cyberpay merchant portal
Step 2: Collect Credit Card Information.
Note : We have a prebuilt form components to collect all card information, CPCardNumberTextField
, CPCVVTextField
, CPExpiryDateField
to collect card number, cvv and dates respectively
var transaction = CPTransactionParams()
var card = CPCardParams()
let cardNumber = self.cardNumberTextField.text!
card.number = cardNumber.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "")//removing the whitespace
card.cvv = self.cvvTextField.text!
card.expMonth = Int(self.expiryDateTextField.month)!
card.expYear = Int(self.expiryDateTextField.year)!
let amount = Double.init(amountTextField.text!)
let amountInKobo = amount! * 100
transaction.amountInKobo = amountInKobo
transaction.description = "Sample transaction from iOS SDK"
//Add Optional Merchant Transaction reference
Step 3 : Initialise the transaction
//The beginTransaction method returns a transaction Reference in the `onSuccess()` callback. Assign this transaction reference to the `transactionParameter` provided in the previous
//step and call the charge card method
CyberpaySDK.shared.beginTransaction(param: transaction, onSuccess: { (transactionReference) in
self.transaction.transactionReference = transactionReference
//call the charge card function on succuss of initialising transaction
}) { (error) in
//display error message
Step 4: Charge Card providing the Card Parameters provided in Step 2
CyberpaySDK.shared.chargeCard(param: card, transactionRef: transaction.transactionReference, onSuccess: { (transRef) in
//Your transaction was successful
}, onOtpRequired: { (transRef) in
//Otp Required, go to otp view
}) { (error) in
//display error
Note: The chargeCard() method returns 3 callbacks: onSuccess()
, which means your transaction was successful and returns the transaction Reference, onOtpRequired()
, which means an otp is required to verify this transaction,
and also returns the transaction reference, onError()
, which returns an error message, when chargeCard() fails.
Step 5 : Verify OTP When a verification is required, the Otp verification method is called. Attach an otp gotten from the user to the transaction parameter created in Step 2
if transaction != nil {
transaction?.otp = otpTextField.text!
CyberpaySDK.shared.verifyOtp(param: transaction!, onSuccess: { (transactionReference) in
//otp verification was successful & card was charged
}) { (error) in
//otp verification failed
Note: Other methods for the cyberpay SDK exist which include verification of transaction by the merchant reference, and also by the transaction Reference.
Methods of the SDK can be accessed by adding import cyberpaysdk
import UIKit
import cyberpaysdk
and calling CyberpaySDK.shared
- To View an example implementation of this project download the CyberpayExample of this repository, and run a
pod install
from your terminal, after navigating to the folder. - Ensure you use the .xcworkspace file to open your project in Xcode instead of .xcodeproj.
- Replace the
in theCyberpaySDK.shared.initializeTestEnvironment(key: "TEST_API_KEY")
in theAppDelegate.swift
file with your test integration key gotten from your merchant dashboard. - Run the Sample Application. Two major sample views were provided to showcase the SDK.
After running the app, We have provided a test card to test the OTP flow instead of using live cards.
Card Number: 5399830000000008,
Exp. Date: 05/30,
CVV: 000,