All #awesome-ci Docker images
ansible-lint β’ ansible β’ awesome-ci β’ bandit β’ black β’ checkmake β’ eslint β’ file-lint β’ gofmt β’ goimports β’ golint β’ jsonlint β’ kubeval β’ linkcheck β’ mypy β’ php-cs-fixer β’ phpcbf β’ phpcs β’ phplint β’ pycodestyle β’ pydocstyle β’ pylint β’ terraform-docs β’ terragrunt-fmt β’ terragrunt β’ yamlfmt β’ yamllint
View Dockerfiles on GitHub.
Available Architectures: amd64
, i386
, arm64
, arm/v7
, arm/v6
Tiny Alpine-based Docker image for the very basics of CI against your code files based one awesome-ci[1].
[1] Original project:
The following Docker image tags are rolling releases and are built and updated every night.
Docker Tag | Git Ref | file-lint | Flavour | Available Architectures |
latest |
master | latest | default | amd64 , i386 , arm64 , arm/v7 , arm/v6 |
alpine |
master | latest | Alpine | amd64 , i386 , arm64 , arm/v7 , arm/v6 |
The following Docker image tags are built once and can be used for reproducible builds. Its version never changes so you will have to update tags in your pipelines from time to time in order to stay up-to-date.
Docker Tag | Git Ref | file-lint | Flavour | Available Architectures |
latest-<tag> |
tag: <tag> |
latest | default | amd64 , i386 , arm64 , arm/v7 , arm/v6 |
alpine-latest-<tag> |
tag: <tag> |
latest | Alpine | amd64 , i386 , arm64 , arm/v7 , arm/v6 |
refers to the chosen git tag from this repository.
- dry run (which shows all piped unix command voodoo for learning)
- project based configuration file (
) - check for empty files
- check for files with carriage returns (
) - check for files with windows newlines (
) - check for files with nullbyte characters (
) - check for trailing newlines at eof (exactly one or multiple)
- check for trailing white space
- ensure files are utf8 encoded
- ensure files do not contain utf8 bom (byte order mark:
) - allows for automatic fixing (most commands)
- allows for find-grained control
- check files by specific extension(s) only
- check files by specific shebang only
- check binary or text-files only
Type | Tool | Fixable | Description |
File | file-cr | β | Scan files and check if they contain CR (Carriage Return only). |
File | file-crlf | β | Scan files and check if they contain CRLF (Windows Line Feeds). |
File | file-empty | Scan files and check if they are empty (0 bytes). | |
File | file-nullbyte | β | Scan files and check if they contain a null-byte character (\x00) . |
File | file-trailing-newline | β | Scan files and check if they contain a trailing newline. |
File | file-trailing-single-newline | β | Scan files and check if they contain exactly one trailing newline. |
File | file-trailing-space | β | Scan files and check if they contain trailing whitespaces. |
File | file-utf8 | β | Scan files and check if they have a non UTF-8 encoding. |
File | file-utf8-bom | β | Scan files and check if they contain BOM (Byte Order Mark): U+FEFF . |
Git | git-conflicts | Scan files and check if they contain git conflicts. |
Tools extracted from
The working directory inside the Docker container is /data/
and should be mounted locally.
$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data cytopia/file-lint
# cytopia/file-lint #
# (awesome-ci) #
# #
# #
# Usage: #
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# docker run --rm cytopia/file-lint --help #
# docker run --rm cytopia/file-lint <tool> --help #
# docker run --rm cytopia/file-lint <tool> --info #
# docker run --rm cytopia/file-lint <tool> --version #
# #
# #
# Available tools: #
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# file-empty Scans if files are empty #
# file-cr Scans if files contain carriage returns (\r) #
# file-crlf Scans if files contain win line feeds (\r\n) #
# file-nullbyte Scans if files contain nullbyte chars (\x00) #
# file-trailing-newline Scans if files contain trailing newline(s) #
# file-trailing-single-newline Scans if files contain single trailing newline #
# file-trailing-space Scans if files contain trailing whitespace #
# file-utf8 Scans if files are utf8 encoded #
# file-utf8-bom Scans if files contain byte order mark #
# git-conflicts Scans if files contain git conflicts #
# #
# #
# Example: #
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data cytopia/file-lint \ #
# lf-crlf --ignore ".git/,.github/" --path . #
# #
The following help screen is taken from file-crlf
. All other tools have the exact same functionality.
$ docker run --rm cytopia/file-lint file-crlf --help
Usage: file-crlf [--text] [--size] [--shebang <ARG>] [--extension "tpl,htm,html,php,..."] [--ignore "dir1,dir2"] [--config "conf"] [--confpre "FILE_CRLF_"] [--fix] [--verbose] [--debug] [--dry] [--list] --path <DIR>
file-crlf --info
file-crlf --help
file-crlf --version
Scans recursively for files containing CRLF (Windows Line Feeds).
Will return 1 on occurance, otherwise 0.
Required arguments:
--path <ARG> Specify directory where to scan.
Optional run arguments:
--fix Fixable :-)
Fix the problems for the specified files.
Note, all other options below also apply
--text Limit search to text files only (non-binary).
Can be narrowed further with '--extension'
--size Limit search to files which are not empty (bigger than 0 bytes).
--shebang <ARG> Only find files (shell scripts) with this specific shebang.
It is useful to combine this with --text and --size for faster searches.
Use with --dry to see how this search command is generated.
--shebang bash
--shebang php
--shebang sh
--extension <ARG> Only find files matching those extensions.
Comma separated list of file extensions.
Only find files matching those extensions.
Defaults to all files if not specified or empty.
--extension "html,php,inc"
--extension php
--ignore <ARG> Comma separated list of ignore paths.
Directories must be specified from the starting location of --path.
ignore 'foor/bar' folder inside '/var/www' path:
--path /var/www --ignore foo/bar
--config <ARG> Load configuration file.
File must contain the following directives:
FILE_CRLF_EXTENSION="" # comma separated
FILE_CRLF_IGNORE="" # comma separated
FILE_CRLF_TEXT=0|1 # 0 or 1
Note that cmd arguments take precedence over
config file settings.
--confpre <ARG> Set custom configuration directive prefix.
Current default ist: 'FILE_CRLF_'.
This is useful, when you want to define different defaults
per check via configuration file.
--verbose Be verbose and print commands and files being checked.
--debug Print system messages.
Optional training arguments:
--dry Don't do anything, just display the commands.
--list Instead of searching inside the files, just display the filenames
that would be found by --path, --extension and --ignore
System arguments:
--info Show versions of required commands (useful for bugreports).
--help Show help screen.
--version Show version information.
file-crlf is part of the awesome-ci collection.
You can also add a configuration file named awesome-ci.conf
to your project to configure it to your likings.
# Awesome-ci configuration file
# Each tool will have its own config section
# which all behave in the same way:
# 1. File extensions
# ------------------
# Comma separated list of file extensions
# to narrow down the files to check.
# <TOOL_NAME>_EXTENSION="tpl,html"
# 2. Ignored paths
# ----------------
# Comma separated list of file paths
# to narrow down the files to check.
# Note that those paths must start at the
# path where --path starts.
# <TOOL_NAME>_IGNORE="tmp/log,tmp/run"
# 3. Text files
# -------------
# 0 or 1 to specify whether to work on text files
# only.
# File checkers
# file-cr
# file-crlf
# file-empty
# file-nullbyte
# file-trailing-newline
# file-trailing-single-newline
# file-trailing-space
# file-utf8
# file-utf8-bom
# git-conflicts
ifneq (,)
.error This Makefile requires GNU Make.
.PHONY: lint _lint-cr _lint-crlf _lint-trailing-single-newline _lint-trailing-space _lint-utf8 _lint-utf8-bom _lint-git-conflicts
FL_VERSION = latest
FL_IGNORE_PATHS = .git/,.github/
@$(MAKE) --no-print-directory _lint-cr
@$(MAKE) --no-print-directory _lint-crlf
@$(MAKE) --no-print-directory _lint-trailing-single-newline
@$(MAKE) --no-print-directory _lint-trailing-space
@$(MAKE) --no-print-directory _lint-utf8
@$(MAKE) --no-print-directory _lint-utf8-bom
@$(MAKE) --no-print-directory _lint-git-conflicts
@docker run --rm -v $(PWD):/data cytopia/file-lint:$(FL_VERSION) file-cr --text --ignore '$(FL_IGNORE_PATHS)' --path .
@docker run --rm -v $(PWD):/data cytopia/file-lint:$(FL_VERSION) file-crlf --text --ignore '$(FL_IGNORE_PATHS)' --path .
@docker run --rm -v $(PWD):/data cytopia/file-lint:$(FL_VERSION) file-trailing-single-newline --text --ignore '$(FL_IGNORE_PATHS)' --path .
@docker run --rm -v $(PWD):/data cytopia/file-lint:$(FL_VERSION) file-trailing-space --text --ignore '$(FL_IGNORE_PATHS)' --path .
@docker run --rm -v $(PWD):/data cytopia/file-lint:$(FL_VERSION) file-utf8 --text --ignore '$(FL_IGNORE_PATHS)' --path .
@docker run --rm -v $(PWD):/data cytopia/file-lint:$(FL_VERSION) file-utf8-bom --text --ignore '$(FL_IGNORE_PATHS)' --path .
@docker run --rm -v $(PWD):/data cytopia/file-lint:$(FL_VERSION) git-conflicts --text --ignore '$(FL_IGNORE_PATHS)' --path .
π Related #awesome-ci projects
Save yourself from installing lot's of dependencies and pick a dockerized version of your favourite linter below for reproducible local or remote CI tests:
GitHub | DockerHub | Type | Description |
awesome-ci | Basic | Tools for git, file and static source code analysis | |
file-lint | Basic | Baisc source code analysis | |
linkcheck | Basic | Search for URLs in files and validate their HTTP status code | |
ansible | Ansible | Multiple versions and flavours of Ansible | |
ansible-lint | Ansible | Lint Ansible | |
gofmt | Go | Format Go source code [1] | |
goimports | Go | Format Go source code [1] | |
golint | Go | Lint Go code | |
eslint | Javascript | Lint Javascript code | |
jsonlint | JSON | Lint JSON files [1] | |
kubeval | K8s | Lint Kubernetes files | |
checkmake | Make | Lint Makefiles | |
phpcbf | PHP | PHP Code Beautifier and Fixer | |
phpcs | PHP | PHP Code Sniffer | |
phplint | PHP | PHP Code Linter [1] | |
php-cs-fixer | PHP | PHP Coding Standards Fixer | |
bandit | Python | A security linter from PyCQA | |
black | Python | The uncompromising Python code formatter | |
mypy | Python | Static source code analysis | |
pycodestyle | Python | Python style guide checker | |
pydocstyle | Python | Python docstyle checker | |
pylint | Python | Python source code, bug and quality checker | |
terraform-docs | Terraform | Terraform doc generator (TF 0.12 ready) [1] | |
terragrunt | Terraform | Terragrunt and Terraform | |
terragrunt-fmt | Terraform | terraform fmt for Terragrunt files [1] |
yamlfmt | Yaml | Format Yaml files [1] | |
yamllint | Yaml | Lint Yaml files |
[1] Uses a shell wrapper to add enhanced functionality not available by original project.
Visit cytopia/makefiles for dependency-less, seamless project integration and minimum required best-practice code linting for CI. The provided Makefiles will only require GNU Make and Docker itself removing the need to install anything else.
Copyright (c) 2019 cytopia