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renderer configuration

Petr Cech edited this page Feb 12, 2018 · 2 revisions

Renderer configuration

This file should provide insight into how the BootstrapRenderer works, so that you can modify it yourself.

Configuration engine

An essential and big part of the engine is the configuration engine, so if you decide to modify this, understanding of how it works is a must.

This is an overview from the core to the outer layers:

0. Enum class.

All renderer configuration keys are strictly provided as constants. There are no wild strings that one would have to guess or find in the source code.

The class you are looking for is Czubehead\BootstrapForms\Enums\RendererConfig. All (... well, most) constants have their PHPDoc, so that's where you want to look.

1. getConfig()

This method returns the base configuration as an array. The structure is very simple:

  • first-level element refers to any of RendererConfig keys, except for modification keys
  • second-level element is either a value, or contains modification keys (see further)
  • third and upper levels contain either more modification keys (for container), or the value of the modification key.
    • from class modificators, only use classSet


Cnf::description => [ // first-level key
    Cnf::elementName => 'small', // modification key, set element name to small
    Cnf::classSet    => ['form-text', 'text-muted'], // modification key, sets class to 'form-text text-muted'
    Cnf::container => [
        Cnf::elementName => 'div',
        Cnf::classSet => ['container']

This will produce

<div class="container">
    <small class="form-text text-muted">


2. getConfigOverride()

This method returns overrides for specific render modes. The structure is exactly the same as for getConfig(), except that all arrays belong to a specific render mode.

These two arrays are then merged, so each key can only have one value. This is, however perfectly fine for this one-level design

3. Modification keys

These are namely:

name accepts (not checked, but expected)
attributes associative array of html attributes. Don't use class, this takes precedence
classSet string[] of classes
elementName string name of HTML element. Either overwrites existing or creates new element
container associative array, which will consist of other modification keys, must have elementName. Recursion is allowed, so a container can have a container

4. fetchConfig($key)

This method takes the current render mode, and based on getConfig() and getConfigOverride() gives you the value. Note that this only takes one key, which is always a constant of RendererConfig

5. configElem()

This takes the key and an element and applies modification keys.


Now that we know where do the values come from, we can actually understand how are different parts rendered.

Wel.. it is probably better if you actually view the code of all render... methods yourself, since nobody is going to read an exhaustive documentation only to get the obvious.

If you are familiar with the DefaultRenderer provided by Nette, then you can see it's very similar... the names are similar, the rest is brand new.

Instead, here is a picture showing different parts of the rendering process:

renderer parts

The image is high-enough-res, open it in a new tab.

(the controls were horizontally stretched)

How to customize

It is actually a very simple answer. This renderer has been designed with the knowledge that PHP arrays can be a b*tch, so you would have to heavily modify this library in order to make something hideous with the configuration.

The answer you are looking for is Inheritance.

Simply write your own class inheriting from BootstrapRenderer and then override the getConfig and getConfigOverride methods to suit your needs.

Then simply set the renderer:
