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OpenADMS UI is a single-page application for the remote control of OpenADMS Server instances. It is written in standard JavaScript, using some features of ECMAScript 2015. Therefore, a modern web browser is required to run OpenADMS UI properly. All dependencies (jQuery, Backbone.js, Underscore.js, …) are shipped with the source code.


Try OpenADMS UI.


Launch OpenADMS UI by serving the root directory with a web server of your choice (nginx, Hiawatha, httpd, …). For testing, you can start the Python 3 HTTP server module:

$ cd ../
$ python3 -m http.server 8080

Or, simply execute Open your web browser and access http://localhost:8080/openadms-ui/. OpenADMS UI must be served from path openadms-ui/. Otherwise, change ROOT_PATH in core/openadms-ui.js to the actual path and reload the page.


The JavaScript source code can be shipped without transpiling (no Node.js or npm required). To update the dependencies, copy the minified scripts to vendor/, and the minified style sheets to assets/css/vendor/.

Do not bundle the source code, as all scripts are loaded dynamically.


The OpenADMS UI Single-Page Application consists of four parts:

  1. The HTML template index.html defines the layout of the web application.
  2. The style sheet is based on the mini.css framework. Some adjustments have been made to it in assets/css/style.css.
  3. The application source code core/openadms-ui.js that preloads all dependencies, loads modules, and creates the view. Model classes are loaded from core/model.js, view classes from core/view.js, and the router from core/router.js.
  4. Pages are encapsulated in modules that are loaded dynamically from directory modules/. Each module consists of an HTML template in template.html, its (optional) logic in module.js, and mandatory meta information in meta.json. Modules must be added to modules/modules.json to be loaded by OpenADMS UI.

Adding Modules

OpenADMS UI can be extended by writing additional modules. Add a module directory to modules/ and place the following files inside it:

  • meta.json (module information),
  • template.html (Underscore.js template),
  • module.js (module script, may be empty).

The JSON file meta.json stores information regarding the module:

  "name": "mymodule",
  "title": "My Module",
  "description": "A short description",
  "menu": true

The name must equal the name of the module directory. The title and the description will be displayed in the Underscore.js template. If menu is set to true, a link to the module will be added to the navigation menu automatically.

The HTML template template.html contains elements and optional Underscore.js placeholders of meta values.

The module script module.js will be run as a JavaScript function each time the module is loaded. The variable args is given as an argument to the module function and stores the complete routing path beyond the module name (e. g., #modules/mymodule/<args>).

Loading Modules

Enable the module by adding the module name to modules in modules/modules.json. Open http://localhost:8080/openadms-ui/#modules/mymodule to display the module.

Sub Modules

Modules can have subordinate modules. You may want to use the ui.loadModules() function to load them deferred.


Run JSDoc to generate the source code documentation:

$ ./jsdoc.js -r ./core -d ./docs

You will find the HTML pages in directory docs/.


OpenADMS UI is distributed under the BSD-2-Clause licence.