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The Daily Targum App - Banner

GitHub release (latest by date) GitHub

The Daily Targum is a student-written and student-managed, non-profit incorporated newspaper published by the Targum Publishing Company, with a circulation of 5,000.

Founded in 1869, The Daily Targum is the second oldest and among the largest college newspapers in the nation. The Daily Targum has been a repeat recipient of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association Gold Crown Award, the highest recognition a college newspaper can be awarded in the United States.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This app is open source, but it requires API keys to run. For now, these keys are only for internal use within the company.

🚀 Getting started

  1. Download and setup repo (directions)

  2. Start bundler

    yarn start
  3. Open in the brower

    The default port is 3000. You can test the website locally by going to http://localhost:3000

  4. (optional but recommended)

    Make sure your IDE/text editor supports TypeScript to catch errors as you go. Type check will be run locally using pre-commit hook and again remotely using GitHub Actions.

📦 Download and Setup

  1. Clone repo

  2. Install dependencies

  3. Add environment variables (more info below)

    # This file must be called .env NOT .env.local
    cp .env.example .env
    # Open .env and set varabiles

    Set the correct values for all variables in .env.

✍ Contributing

feat: add hat wobble
^--^  ^------------^
|     |
|     +-> Summary in present tense.
+-------> Type: chore, docs, feat, fix, refactor, style, or test.

✅ Testing

  • Lint code (checks if rules of hooks have been broken)

    yarn lint
  • Check for TypeScript errors

    yarn typescript
  • Jest tests

    yarn test

💻 Environment Variables


# This file must be called .env NOT .env.local
cp .env.example .env

# Open .env and set varabiles

The following environment variables are required.

# .env.example

# AWS AppSync Config 

# AWS Elasticsearch

# Contentful

Adding environment variables requires changing the following files:

  • This repo
    • .env.example
    • .github/workflows/*
  • Local
    • .env (on your local machine)

Files responsible for configuring environment variables are commented ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES so you can easily be found.