The code for the successor version, Symnet 3.0, published in UAI 2023, is available at SymNet 3.0
Repo contains the code for UAI 2022 paper "SymNet 2.0: Effectively handling Non-Fluents and Actions in Generalized Neural Policies for RDDL Relational MDPs".
- python3
- tensorflow=2.0
- unittest
- multiprocessing
- threading
- shutil
- better_exceptions
- pickle
- networkx
- scipy
Note that we also use Spektral, however, there is no need to install it as we have incorporated that in the repo.
Generate trajectories using PROST as
- Follow the instructions mentioned at to setup PROST 2014.
- Run PROST using below command and save the logs generated by PROST to a file $RESULT_FILE.
./ $INSTANCE "[Prost -s 1 -se [IPC2014]]" > $RESULT_FILE
Generate a dataset from a raw trajectory:
python --domain DOMAIN --start_instance START_INSTANCE --num_instances NUM_INSTANCES --prost_log PROST_LOG --save_folder SAVE_FOLDER
For example, assume that PROST_LOG contains files 1.result, 2.result...10.result of domain academic_advising. To generate the dataset for all these files, run
python --domain academic_advising --start_instance 1 --num_instances 10 --prost_log PROST_LOG --save_folder SAVE_FOLDER
- Set hyperparameters of the experiment as explained at the end of this readme.
- Run these commands from the main folder once:
for i in {1..10}
cp -r ./rddl/lib ./gym/envs/rddl/rddl
cp ./gym/envs/rddl/rddl/lib/ ./gym/envs/rddl/rddl/lib/clibxx$
cp ./rddl/lib/ ./rddl/lib/clibxx$
- To train SymNet2.0 on a domain run below command.
python ./multi_train/deep_plan/ --domain DOMAIN --model_dir MODEL_DIR --train_instances TRAIN_INSTANCES --val_instances VAL_INSTANCES
Example, to train on academic_advising instances 1,2,3, and validate on instance 4, run:
python ./multi_train/deep_plan/ --domain academic_advising --model_dir MODEL_DIR --train_instances "1,2,3" --val_instance "4"
- To validate all models:
python ./multi_train/deep_plan/ --domain DOMAIN --trained_model_path PATH --num_threads NUM_THREADS --val_instances VAL_INSTANCES
Example, to validate on instance 4 of academic_advising using 6 threads,
python ./multi_train/deep_plan/ --domain academic_advising --trained_model_path PATH --num_threads 6 --val_instances "4"
- To test the best model:
python ./multi_train/deep_plan/ --domain DOMAIN --trained_model_path PATH --num_threads NUM_THREADS --test_instances TEST_INSTANCES
Example, to test on instance 1,2,3,4,5 of academic_advising using 2 threads,
python ./multi_train/deep_plan/ --domain academic_advising --trained_model_path PATH --num_threads 2 --val_instances "1,2,3,4,5"
You can set the general hyperparameters in two files: For my_config:
- domains: academic_advising, crossing_traffic, game_of_life, navigation, skill_teaching, sysadmin, tamarisk, traffic, wildfire
- num_validation_episodes: Number of episodes to validate on
- num_testing_episodes: Number of episodes to test on
- dataset_folder: Folder storing the datasets generated using scripts mentioned above
- batch_size: Batch size for supervised training
- epochs: Number of epochs to train for
- ckpt_freq: Frequency of saving checkpoint
- lr: Learning rate
- ./gym contains the code for setting up the RDDL domains and instances in ATARI gym based framework (used for generating the trajectories during validation and testing).
- ./rddl contains files (RDDL, parsed files and dbbn files) for various domains and instances used.
- ./multi_train/deep_plan contains the main code.
For the predecessor version refer to SymNet 1.0