This project is a small 2D Bomberman game using minilibx, a graffic library used at 42. It uses textures, sprites and tiles.
- The player’s goal is to collect all the collectible bombs present on the map, then to escape from the revealed pipe with minimal movement.
- At each move the current number of movements is updated on the window.
- Ennemy patrols cause the player to lose in case of contact.
- Collectibles include :
Speed = allows the player to move faster
Bomb = allows the player to set an additional bomb on the field
Fire = increases the power of the bombs set by the player
- Run
./bomberman [map] ex: ./bomberman maps/map_large.ber
Up = W
Down = S
Left = A
Right = D -
Up = Z
Down = S
Left = Q
Right = D -
Set bomb = B
Quit = ESC
- The program takes as a first argument a map description file with the .ber extension.
- The map can be composed of only 6 possible characters:
0 for an empty space
1 for a wall
C for a collectible
E for map exit
P for the player’s starting position
M for an ennemy's starting position
This is a simple valid map:
- The map must be closed/surrounded by walls.
- It must have at least one exit, one collectible, and one starting position.
- It must be rectangular.