I have wordpress websites running on VPS server and I need a solution to backup these databases regulerly. We will create an ansible playbook (step by stepp process) to automate the solution.
- ssh key (make sure public key has been uploaded to remote server)
- ansible
- A running instance of MySQL
Create new file as ‘server.inventory.ini’
touch server.inventory.ini
Add the following details
[Server-VPS] # server address here [Server-VPS:vars] ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user= # remote server username
Create new file as ‘database_vault.yaml’
touch database_vault.yaml
Add the following details
db_name: # database name here db_user_name: # database username here db_user_password: # database user password here
Please run the following command to encrypt newly created secrets file.
ansible-vault encrypt database_vault.yaml
# output New Vault password: Confirm New Vault password: Encryption successful
Create new file as ‘database_backup_playbook.yaml’
touch database_backup_playbook.yaml
Add the following details
- hosts: Server-VPS
gather_facts: true
- database_vault.yaml
- name: Create variables
db_file_name: "{{ db_name }}_{{ ansible_date_time.date | replace('-','') }}.sql"
- name: Confirm hostname
msg: Logged into the server.
- name: Download Database to server
shell: |
mysqldump -u {{ db_user_name}} -p"{{ db_user_password }}" {{ db_name }} --quick --lock-tables=false > "{{ db_file_name }}" --no-tablespaces
no_log: true
- name: Wait until the database backup completed on server
path: "{{ db_file_name }}"
state: present
msg: "Timeout to find file {{ db_file_name }}"
- name: Downloading backup to local computer
src: "{{ db_file_name }}"
dest: "{{ db_file_name }}"
flat: yes
- name: Download completed
msg: Database have been downloaded successfully.
If you have the passpharace added to ssh key then it will be easier to run it manually.
eval $(ssh-agent) ssh-add ./path/to/ssh/key
Please execute following command to run the playbopk and start the process.
ansible-playbook -i server.inventory.ini database_backup_playbook.yaml --ask-vault-password
Please enter the vault password so that ansible can decyrpt the `database_vault.yaml` variables to use in the playbook.
- Please use the following link to view step by step docmentation to install `awx` on `k3s`.
- Please use the following link to view Step by step process to build ubuntu-server on raspberry-pi with k3s, kubernetes-dashboard, awx and awx job template with ansible paybooks (mysql datbase backup from remote server).