This DangerJS plugin is functional, but no longer being worked on.
Consider switching to danger-plugin-lint-report.
It can parse ktlint reports (and more, for example detekt, Android lint, Swift Lint, ...) as well and offers more configuration options.
This plugin reads ktlint reports and posts inline comments in pull requests.
Screenshot of an inline comment in a GitHub pull request:
The plugin does not execute ktlint.
Instead, the plugin will search the file tree for ktlint reports and parse them.
At the moment the plugin is searching using the following file mask: **/reports/ktlint/*.xml
It is limited to XML checkstyle reports.
yarn add danger-plugin-ktlint-report --dev
At a glance:
// dangerfile.js
import { schedule } from 'danger'
const ktlintReport = require("danger-plugin-ktlint-report")
See the GitHub release history.