A very light shell with simple filesystem and memory manager. Developed for a student project on a MIPS processor and MIPS emulator (QEMU)
Require QEMU and mips-gcc-* tools
See settings.h to specify intall directory:
export PATH="$PATH:/opt/mips-tools-cep/bin"
To execute on your computer with the real libc:
make pc && make run_pc
Will generate os_pc.
To compile for qemu (with mips-libc):
make mips
Will generate os_mips.
To execute with qemu:
make run_mips
display a short help
tree [path]
display the filesystem like a tree
ls [path]
display children of the directory or the
information of a file
mkdir dirpath
touch filepath
create empty file
wtxt filepath text
write the content into the file
create file if it doesnt exist
whex filepath hex
e.g. whex file 4142430A 4142430A
cat filepath
rm path
remove a file or a directory
(if it's not a working dir'ancestor)
print working directory
cd dirpath
exec filepath
#todo - execute a file
display memory debug