Code & documentation for the Minor Class: CSS to the Rescue π
Styleguide: Code | Live version
Website Code | Live version
This is a living styleguide for the class "CSS to the Rescue". Part of the Minor Web Development at the University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam.
Personal learning goals
- Work more seamlessy with Flexbox
- Using the right relative units
- Play around with CSS variables
- Know some more advanced selectors
- Use new :pseudo selectors
- Use a respected CSS structure
Stylesheet Order
- Variables
- Reset
- Global page styling
- Tags
- Attributes
- Components
- Media Queries
My personal goal was to mainly get comfortable with all the selectors and declerations so I can do that on automatic pilot. Next time with this knowledge I can focus way more on UX and styling / designing the components to make them look "pretty".π
Notes during lectures and from the book can be found here: GitBook
TODO's and finished tasks can be found here: GitHub projects
Week 1
Week 2