Minimal setup for work by dangooddd
- Window Manager: Hyprland
- Terminal: WezTerm
- Prompt: Starship
- App Launcher: fuzzel
- Notification manager: dunst
- Screen locker: hyprlock
- Idle: hypridle
- Wallpaper manager: hyprpaper
- TUI file manager: Yazi
- Bar: ags
- Code Editor: Helix
- Font: Inter as UI font and Cascadia Code as monospace font
Enable some copr repos:
sudo dnf copr enable che/nerd-fonts
sudo dnf copr enable solopasha/hyprland
sudo dnf copr enable tofik/nwg-shell
sudo dnf copr enable peterwu/rendezvous
sudo dnf copr enable wezfurlong/wezterm-nightly
Then install packages:
sudo dnf install zsh python python-pip python3-psutil cascadia-code-fonts cascadia-code-pl-fonts rsms-inter-fonts nerd-fonts bibata-cursor-themes grim slurp wl-clipboard papirus-icon-theme unar jq fd-find ripgrep fzf poppler network-manager-applet blueman pamixer brightnessctl wezterm fuzzel nwg-look kvantum qt6ct zoxide cargo dunst aylurs-gtk-shell-git helix just hyprpaper hyprlock hypridle
Then install language-dependent packages:
pip install pywal
cargo install --locked starship
cargo install --locked --git yazi-fm yazi-cli
Then install yazi plugins:
ya pack -a yazi-rs/plugins#full-border
End of installing dependencies:
sudo dnf install hyprland-git --exclude kitty
Change shell to zsh:
chsh -s $(which zsh)
git clone
Copy or symlink all directories you want
For hyprland it is necessary to copy .samples/user-config.conf and .samples/user-variables.conf into .config/hypr/user
For ags it is necessary to copy .samples/user-options.js into .config/ags/
Method below may be dangerous! Some files from your filesystem can be deleted, so read code and make your decision!
Script will symlink dotfiles to your filesystem (existing directories will be moved in /path/to/dotfiles/.backup)
cd .dotfiles
If you have problems with something (you definitely would) check my setup guide