Python tools for time series analyses of gridded data
Welcome to pyGrid2TS, the python package that can process gridded datasets in to DSS time series. The goal of this package is to leverage python geoprocessing tools and parallel processing to develop time series for a variety of climatic gridded datasets.
- rasterio
- rasterstats
- geopandas
- joblib
- pydsstools
- pandas
To use this command line utility, it is reccomended you set up a virual environment will all of the required dependencies. If you use anaconda:
conda create --name pygrid python=3.7
conda activate pygrid
conda install -c conda-forge gdal rasterio fiona shapely fiona
conda install pandas joblib
pip install geopandas
Clone the repository
cd <to desired cloning directory>
git clone
- Directory of daily SWE surfaces
- Shapefile of watershed boundary
- Shapefile of subbasin boundaries
- Daily clipped raster for watershed and subbasin boundaries
- DSS file with procesed time series
(base) C:\workspace\git_clones\pyGrid2TS>python -h
usage: python --basin-shp total_watershed_dissolved.shp --sbasin-shp total_watershed.shp --ds SONDAS --raster-dir snodas_dir --dss output_timeseries.dss --oroot output_dir --bname RIRIE --dtfmt %Y%m%d --mconv 1000.0
Zonal Statistic Software to Create DSS Time Series
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--basin-shp BASIN_SHP
Dissolved Basin Shapefile
--sbasin-shp SBASIN_SHP
Sub Basin Shapefile
--ds DS Raster Datasource
--raster-dir FPATH Directory for rasters to be processed
--dss DSS_FILE Path to Output DSS file
--oroot OROOT Output Directory for Basin Rasters
--bname BASIN Basin Name
--dtfmt DTFMT strftime Date Format
--mconv M_CONV Converstion Factor for Input Rasters to Meters