Welcome to the repository for GLCM based texture analysis of side scan sonar echograms collected with a recreational-grade system.
This repository contains all of the data and scripts used to prepare the figures in Alluvial mapping by automated texture segmentation of recreational-grade side scan sonar imagery submitted to Environmental Modelling and Sofware. This repository contains a collection of files and scripts required to perform the analysis.
This repository is organized as follows:
contains georeferenced side scan sonar echograms/shapefiles/
contains shapefiles of the vidisually identified sediment patches/sedclass_rasters/
contains georeferenced sediment classification maps/scripts/
contains all of the scripts requried to create sediment classication maps/glcm_stats/
contains csv files of GLCM distribuions and GLCM summary statistics/glcm_rasters/
contains georeferenced GLCM texture feature rasters
All of the scripts were developed using python 2.7.11 in a windows 10 enviroment. I used the Anaconda distribution 4.0.0 (64 bit) with the MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64) compiler. The following dependencies are required:
- gdal 1.11.4 python bindings
- gdal 1.11.4
- rasterstats
- numpy
- pandas
- sklearn
- scikit-image
- joblib
- pyproj 1.9.4
All of the continuous side scan sonar recordings were processed using PyHum. In the interest of space, I have not included any of the binary side scan sonar files, intermediate PyHum files, or georeferenced point clouds. If any of those files are of interest, please contact me and I will provide them outside of this repository.
To start, I recommend cloning this repository to c:\workspace
. If you want to clone the repository to a different directory, there is a variable clone_root
at the beginning of each python script where you can indicate where the appropriate directory.
Beginning with the side scan sonar echogram rasters in /ss_rasters/
, you will first need to calculate GLCM texture features using /scripts/GLCM_calc.py
. This script will produce georeferenced GLCM texture features in the directory /output/glcm_rasters/
python glcm_calc.py
Next, you will have to use the shapefiles provided in /shapefiles/
to calculate sediment type statistics. Aggregated distributions and summary statistic CSVs will be saved to /glcm_stats/
python glcm_stats.py
The statistics saved in /glcm_stats/
are used to calibrate all of the automated texture segmentation algorithms. All of the sediment classification rasters will be output to /sedclass_rasters/
. There are individual python scripts for each of the texture segmentation methods in scripts.
python LSQ.py
python gmm2.py
python gmm4.py