A simulation of a toy robot moving on a square tabletop. Programming exercise for REA job application.
Running demo at: floating-cove-6107.herokuapp.com
5x5 table
No obstructions
Any movement resulting in the robot falling off the table are to be ignored. Further input accepted.
PLACE(X, Y, FACING) places the robot on the table facing the direction input
MOVE the robot 1 space forward
LEFT rotate the robot 90 degrees
RIGHT rototate the robot 90 degrees
REPORT announces the X, Y and direction the robot is facing
Origin position 0,0 the Southwest corner
Robot must be placed on the table
Ignore all commands until a valid PLACE command
Robot can be re-placed on the table
Input source developer’s choice (standard input, file etc.)
Graphical representation not required
Web application!
Thread-safe (i.e. each session has it’s own state)
Actions call friendly URLs via AJAX
Deployed to the cloud (Heroku)
REA visuals
Chaos Robot! (similar to Chaos Monkey, randomly performs 10 actions)
Supports variable table dimensions
Full code comments, rdoc, static methods, removed unused autogenerated code
Skeleton for ability to add many robots to a table
Table aware of Robot(s)
Actions have placeholders for Robot IDs to diferentiate
For demonstration purposes only, monkey patched Array core class to demonstrate novel approach for rotation (LinkedList-type functionality instead of an easy switch statement)
Also patched the JavaScript Array object!
Read up on Minitest v RSpec, decided to choose Minitest DSL with standard matchers/mocks for simplicity
Easy enough to leverage Mocha, Shoulda etc.
TDD unit & integration tests
One assertion per test
No parenthesis for cleaner readability
Input ignores case
Multiple robots on the table at once (although basic foundations of ID are in place)
Functional tests on the ad-hoc web components (view, thin controller)
Proper Javascript (module pattern, tests)
blog.arvidandersson.se/2012/03/28/minimalicous-testing-in-ruby-1-9 (Minitest introduction, Spec-only)
ruby.awsblog.com/post/TxUMU0234OS1Q3/From-RSpec-to-Minitest (pro Minitest, Spec-only)
brandonhilkert.com/blog/7-reasons-why-im-sticking-with-minitest-and-fixtures-in-rails/ (pro Minitest and Fixtures)
code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/ruby-for-newbies-testing-with-rspec–net-21297 (simple RSpec guide)
www.agileventures.org/articles/testing-with-rspec-stubs-mocks-factories-what-to-choose (Mocks)
www.mattsears.com/articles/2011/12/10/minitest-quick-reference (Minitest cheat sheet)
regex101.com/ (regular expression tester)