My Journery in mastering python
- Creater of python is
Guido Van Rosum
- Legacy code is a code written in an old version, and probably needs upgrading
- The reason there are so many programming languages is that every programming lang excels at some things and does'nt do so well at others
- By teaching others you will automatically store most concepts
- In order to effectively master any programming language there are four things you need to master
- Terms e.g, statements, variables, expressions
- Datatypes
- Actions
- Best practices
- A datatype is a value in python
- Do not memorize things, understand what exist, how to use and always google
- Essential: Do not learn a lang as if you are learning to get 100% on a test
- A good code has to be
- clean
- predictable
- readable
- A good function
- should do one thing really well
- It always return something
- Always make your code predictable and clean
- There are four main pillars of oop
- Encapsulation
- Abstraction
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- You need to anticipate errors in your programme and handle them properly