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Repository files navigation

README version beta 1.0


General Development

  • This App has developed in Kotlin
  • The Model View ViewModel Pattern(MVVM) is used.
  • The project is divided modules, being they features(Dynamic feature), repositories, networkService, app (default) and domain.
  • Retrofit and coroutines are used to make requests
  • For coordination of the flow of screens is used Android Navigation
  • Injection dependency is done with the Koin Framework
  • This app use TMDB api(

Tools and Technologies

- Koin -> Dependency injection
- LiveData -> ViewModel Observable
- Retrofit -> Network(Rest) requests
- Coroutine -> Asynchronous execute
- Dynamic Feature Module -> Features modules onDemand
- Kotlin -> Language


  • :app -> Coordinates the features
  • :movieFeature(feature) -> Dynamic Feature(onDemand)
  • :domain -> Save and coordinates features models
  • :networkService -> Network(Rest) engine, coordinates retrofit calls
  • :repositorie: interface and coordinates service calls from features
  • :databaseService -> Database Engine(Not Implement)


- Dependency injection organization
- Network error flow