Brite-U is an eCommerce of products based on electric scooters and bicycles that favour individual transporting without damaging the environment.
In this project I have created a new full website with features including users/log-in, basket, payment methods and order history.
For this project you need:
Go to brite-U-eCommerce-project/server and run:
npm install
Now you can run the server. You can use any port but remember that later we will run react in port 3000. For example, run:
PORT=5000 nodemon index.js
Now you can go to brite-U-eCommerce-project/client and install all the react dependencies:
npm install
In the folder brite-U-eCommerce-project/client/src run:
npm start
Now you can see Brite-U web!
- Create account
- Sign In
- Basket
- Profile
- Shipping
- Payment Methods
- Place Order
Add new payment methods
Pop-Up live chat
New Style CSS
- danisan9490