For this project you need:
Go to codeCoin-solo-project/server and run:
npm install
Now you can run the server. I recommend to run two servers in different ports. The connection P2P will link the different ports. You can use any port but remembre that later we will run react in port 3000. For example, run:
PORT=5000 nodemon index.js
PORT=4000 nodemon index.js
Now you can go to codeCoin-solo-project/client/codecoin-react and install all the react dependencies:
npm install
In the folder /codeCoin-solo-project/client/codecoin-react/src run:
npm start
Now you can use codeCoin!
You can mine new blocks. If you are not familiar with blockchain-mining, check this documentation:
If you open your terminal you will see the codeCoin-blockchain:
I am working to create a data base with:
- [MongoDB] (
- [Redis] (
- danisan9490