This is simple Node.js based service designed to take a URL and reply with simple JSON the user ratings of a produt, if found on the page. If you are working on a project to collect project related information, it is easy to become an affiliate of sites like or and access their product information legally and cleanly. However none of them share the ratings and the comments information from their API.
This project is to fill that gap of information. You can get the product information formally through the API and use a service like this to acquire rest of the information.
Simply download getratings.js and use node.js to run it
node getratings.js
Assuming the service is running on local host, you can request the rating for a produc page on by issuing the following request
http://localhost:11000?url=[url of the product page]
{"rating":"2.6 ","maxRating":"5","reviews":"475"}
I am new to Node.js and enjoying working on it. I would like my work to be accessible as many people as possible. If you have any suggestion or comment on how I can structure of manage this project better, please feel free to let me konw.