in the root dir runs the same file in the bin and shell directories
The following apps currently require manual installs
- Docker
- Dropbox
- Essence (vscode) - plugins?
- FirefoxDeveloperEdition (plugins/extensions/css/etc?)
- Goolge Chrome (plugins/extensions/css?)
- iTerm2 (settings,plugins)
- KeeWeb
- Postman
- Slack
- smcFanControl
- SonicPi
- Spectacle
- Sublime Text
- TorBrowser
- Transmission
- VirtualBox
- Visual Studio Code (plugins?)
- Wireshark
- Xcode
Inspiration and code was taken from many sources, including:
- @necolas (Nicolas Gallagher) https://github.com/necolas/dotfiles/
- @mathiasbynens (Mathias Bynens) https://github.com/mathiasbynens/dotfiles
- @tejr (Tom Ryder) https://github.com/tejr/dotfiles
- @gf3 (Gianni Chiappetta) https://github.com/gf3/dotfiles
- @cowboy (Ben Alman) https://github.com/cowboy/dotfiles
- @alrra (Cãtãlin Mariş) https://github.com/alrra/dotfiles