This Terraform module provisions a GKE cluster
and deploys Vault
onto it. It's based on Seth Vargo's Vault on GKE project.
A Google KMS Key
and Keyring
are required to deploy this module.
NOTE: These cannot be created/managed by Terraform as Keyrings cannot be deleted from a project in GCP at the moment (see:
gcloud kms keyrings create vault-keyring --location global
gcloud kms keys create vault-key --location global --keyring vault-keyring --purpose encryption
module "vault" {
source = ""
name = "${}"
project = "${var.project}"
kms_keyring_name = "${var.keyring_name}"
kms_key_name = "${var.key_name}"
When Terraform has finished provisioning your resources, you can interact with Vault using the following steps:
- Export the Vault variables:
export VAULT_ADDR="https://$(terraform output address):8200"
export VAULT_CAPATH="tls/ca.pem"
export VAULT_TOKEN="$(terraform output token)"
- Run some commands
vault kv put secret/foo a=b
This module:
- Creates a
GCS bucket
to store all Vault data. - Uses
Google KMS key
for encryption/decryption of Vault tokens. - Creates a
GCP Service Account
with the most restrictive permissions to those resources. - Creates a
GKE Cluster
with the configured service account attached. - Reserves a
Public IP
for Vault. - Generates a
self-signed certificate authority (CA)
. - Generates a
certificate signed by that CA
. - Configures Terraform to talk to K8s.
- Creates a
K8s Secret
with the TLS file contents. - Configures your local system to talk to the GKE cluster by getting the
cluster credentials
andk8s context
. - Deploys Vault to the GKE cluster using a
3-Pod StatefulSet
and aK8s Service
Variable | Description | Default |
kms_keyring_name |
The name of the Cloud KMS KeyRing for asset encryption. | (required) |
kms_key_name |
The name of the Cloud KMS Key used for asset encryption/decryption. | (required) |
project |
The name of the GCP project. | "" |
region |
The GCP region for the infra. | northamerica-northeast1 |
name |
A string value to use as a prefix for all resource names. | vault |
kms_location |
The location of your KMS keyring and key. | global |
vault_ip_network_tier |
The networking tier used for configuring this address. | STANDARD |
cluster_machine_type |
The name of a Google Compute Engine machine type. | n1-standard-2 |
vault_image |
Name and version of the Vault container image to deploy. | vault:1.0.3 |
vault_init_image |
Name and version of the Vault Init container image to deploy. | sethvargo/vault-init:1.0.0 |
num_vault_pods |
The number of Vault pods to deploy in a StatefulSet. | 3 |
vault_recovery_keys |
Number of recovery keys to generate. | 1 |
vault_recovery_key_threshold |
Number of recovery keys required for quorum. This must be less than or equal to vault_recovery_keys. | 1 |
service_account_iam_roles |
The roles to apply to the Vault GCP Service Account. | see variables file |
gke_oauth_scopes |
The set of Google API scopes to enable on the GKE nodes. | see variables file |
storage_bucket_roles |
The roles given to the Vault GCP Service Account for accessing the GCS Bucket resources. | see variables file |
kms_crypto_key_roles |
The roles given to the Vault GCP Service Account for interacting with Google KMS. | see variables file |
Variable | Description |
address |
The Public IP used to reach Vault. |
token |
The Vault root token. |
kubeconfig |
The kubeconfig for Vault's GKE cluster. |
endpoint |
The API endpoint for Vault's GKE cluster. |
cluster_ca_certificate |
The CA certificate for Vault's GKE cluster. |
client_certificate |
The Client certificate for Vault's GKE cluster. |
client_key |
The Client Certificate Key for Vault's GKE cluster. |
network_name |
The name of the VPC created by this module. |
subnet_name |
The name of the Subnet created by this module. |
service_account |
The Service Account created by this module. |
service_account_key |
The Key for the Service Account created by this module. |
vault_cert |
The certificate chain for the Vault deployment. |
Q: Why are you using StatefulSets instead of Deployments?
A: StatefulSets ensure that each pod is deployed in order. This is important for the initial bootstrapping process, otherwise there's a race for which Vault server initializes first with auto-init.
Q: Why didn't you use the Terraform Kubernetes provider to create the pods? There's this hacky template_file data source instead...
A: StatefulSets currently don't support Affinity rules. Waiting for this issue to be resolved: hashicorp/terraform-provider-kubernetes#233