Create custom roles for Azure AD
Roles are defined in an object. Either through an input or a local variable.
If more than one role needs to be created (which is likely), then multiple roles can be created by defining all the roles within the input/local variable and using a for_each
loop within the module (see exmaple below).
data "azurerm_subscription" "current" {}
locals {
custom_role_definitions = {
createRG = {
description = "Role that assigns READER rights to Subscription xxx AND rights to create Resource Groups"
scope =
permissions = {
actions = [
not_actions = [],
data_actions = [],
not_data_actions = []
assignable_scopes = [
# Add new roles here if required.
module "new_roles" {
for_each = local.custom_role_definitions
source = "../../"
role_name = each.key
role_definition = each.value
output "subscription_id" {
value =
output "role_ids" {
value = {
for k, role in module.new_roles : k => role.role_id