is a library that provides an API for mapping between XML documents and Python objects.
library implements the following functionality:
- Deserialize XML documents to Python objects
- Validate deserialized data
- Access and update Python object fields
- Serialize Python objects to XML documents
provides an efficient way of mapping between an XML document and a Python object. Using paxb
developers can write less boilerplate code emphasizing on application domain logic.
Since paxb
based on attrs library paxb
and attrs
API can be mixed together.
You can install paxb with pip:
$ pip install paxb
Documentation is available at Read the Docs.
Suppose you have an xml document user.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<doc:envelope xmlns=""
<doc:user name="Alex" surname="Ivanov" age="26">
<doc:birthdate year="1992" month="06" day="14"/>
<doc:passport series="3127" number="836815"/>
<data:occupations xmlns:data="">
<data:occupation title="yandex">
<data:occupation title="skbkontur">
To deserialize the document you could use xml library api to parse
the document and then access and modify the parsed xml DOM manually. Such an imperative code has a lot of boilerplate
operations that takes a lot of time and can lead to bugs. Instead you can use paxb
api to write a declarative
style code. All you need to describe field mappings and types, paxb
will serialize and deserialize data for you:
import json
import re
from datetime import date
import attr
import paxb as pb
@pb.model(name='occupation', ns='data', ns_map={'data': ''})
class Occupation:
title = pb.attr()
address = pb.field()
employees = pb.field(converter=int)
@pb.model(name='user', ns='doc', ns_map={'doc': ''})
class User:
name = pb.attr()
surname = pb.attr()
age = pb.attr(converter=int)
birth_year = pb.wrap('birthdate', pb.attr('year', converter=int))
birth_month = pb.wrap('birthdate', pb.attr('month', converter=int))
birth_day = pb.wrap('birthdate', pb.attr('day', converter=int))
def birthdate(self):
return date(year=self.birth_year, month=self.birth_month, day=self.birth_day)
def birthdate(self, value):
self.birth_year = value.year
self.birth_month = value.month
self.birth_day =
phone = pb.wrap('contacts', pb.field())
emails = pb.wrap('contacts', pb.as_list(pb.field(name='email')))
passport_series = pb.wrap('documents/passport', pb.attr('series'))
passport_number = pb.wrap('documents/passport', pb.attr('number'))
occupations = pb.wrap(
'occupations', pb.lst(pb.nested(Occupation)), ns='data', ns_map={'data': ''}
citizenship = pb.field(default='RU')
def check(self, attribute, value):
if not re.match(r'\+\d{11,13}', value):
raise ValueError("phone number is incorrect")
with open('user.xml') as file:
xml =
Then the deserialized object can be modified and serialized back to xml document or converted to json format:
user = pb.from_xml(User, xml, envelope='doc:envelope', ns_map={'doc': ''})
user.birthdate = user.birthdate.replace(year=1993)
with open('user.json') as file:
json.dump(attr.asdict(user), file)
except (pb.exc.DeserializationError, ValueError) as e:
print(f"deserialization error: {e}")
"age": 26,
"birth_day": 14,
"birth_month": 6,
"birth_year": 1993,
"citizenship": "RU",
"emails": ["", ""],
"name": "Alexey",
"occupations": [
"address": "Moscow",
"employees": 8854,
"title": "yandex"
"address": "Yekaterinburg",
"employees": 7742,
"title": "skbkontur"
"passport_number": "836815",
"passport_series": "3127",
"phone": "+79204563539",
"surname": "Ivanov"