DISCLAMER: This repository is intended for personal use so all necessary files may NOT be included in this repository
- Amazon Alexa
- Raspberry Pi (with internet accessibility)
- Arduino Uno
- Servo
Upload the code to control the release mechanism to the Arduino
SSH into your Raspberry Pi
Download ngrok by entering the following command: sudo wget https://bin.equinox.io/c/4VmDzA7iaHb/ngrok-stable-linux-arm.zip
unzip ngrok, then run it by entering the following command: ./ngrok http 3000
Copy the address given by ngrok and paste it into the ENDPOINT variable in the AWS application titled "alexapoophelper1"
SSH into the Raspberry Pi a second time and cd into NodetoPy
Run the node application by entering the following command: node app
- AWS code (index.js) sends a GET request to the URL provided by ngrok which tunnels the request to port 3000 (which is where the node server is runnning on the RPI).
- The node server runs a python script (pySerialTest.py) that sends serial data to the arduino
- Arduino code turns a servo when serial data is sent from RPI
Alexa > Skill function > ngrok URL > node server (port 3000 on RPI) > python script > arduino