Bardh Prenkaj, Dario Aragona, Alessandro Flaborea, Fabio Galasso, Saverio Gravina, Luca Podo, EmiliaReda, Paola Velardi
For the autoencoder baselines, we set the number of epochs to 30, the batch size to 32, and the learning rate to 10^-3. For TadGAN, we set the epochs to 50, the batch size to 64, the learning rate to 5x10^-4 and the iteration for the critic to 5. We use Adam as the optimisation function to train all the baselines. We took inspiration from an online available PyTorch implementation at TadGAN.
In Datasets folder are stored the 3 datasets used as benchmark, each of them represented by the following files:
- : [Num_sequences, Window_size = 30, N_features = 5]
- activity_codes.json : dictionary containing the mapping between numerical labels and activities.
- POINT_ANOMALIES : folder containing four anomalous test sequences, identified by their name and provided in the format specified for, associated with the groundtruth.
The features are described as follows:
- label : numerical label representing the action carried on (see activity_code.json for the conversion to human-readable format).
- beginTS : normalised numerical value representing the timestamp of the day the action is carried on [0, 1].
- duration : duration of an action normalised in [0,1] w.r.t to all the durations of the same activity type.
- dayPart : to account for the temporal collocation of the activity in a particular day, we divide it in four daily slots corresponding to night, morning, afternoon, and evening, mapped as [0,1,2,3].
- dayFrequency : frequency of an action occurring in a day, normalised in [0,1] w.r.t. to the frequencies of activities of the same type.