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Transpile sass files using the build package and the dart implementation of sass.


1. Create a pubspec.yaml file containing the following code:

  # (optional) depend on the latest version of packages providing sass sources
  bootstrap_sass: any
  # update to the latest versions
  sass_builder: ^2.1.2
  build_runner: ^2.1.7

2. Create web/main.scss containing the following code:

@use "sub";
@use "package:bootstrap_sass/scss/variables" as bootstrap;

.a {
  color: blue;

.c {
  color: bootstrap.$body-color;

3. Create web/_sub.scss containing the following code:

.b {
  color: red;

4. Create web/index.html containing the following code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css">
<div class="a">Some Text</div>
<div class="b">Some Text</div>
<div class="c">Some Text</div>

5. Run dart run build_runner serve and then go to localhost:8080 with a browser and check if the file web/main.css was generated containing:

.b {
  color: red;

.a {
  color: blue;

.c {
  color: #373a3c;

Builder Options

To configure options for the builder see the build_config README.

  • outputStyle: Supports expanded or compressed. Defaults to expanded in dev mode, and compressed in release mode.
  • sourceMaps: Whether to emit source maps for compiled css. Defaults to true in development mode and to false in release mode.

Example that compresses output in dev mode:

          outputStyle: compressed