Get the day of the week given year, month, and day.
Port of dayofweek function given by Tomohiko Sakamoto on the comp.lang.c Usenet newsgroup into JavaScript.
How it works:
$ yarn add dayofweek
# npm v5+
$ npm install dayofweek
# before npm v5
$ npm install --save dayofweek
const dayofweek = require('dayofweek');
// API
// dayofweek(year, month, day[, translate = true])
// Invariants as per Tomohiko Sakamoto's original implementation.
// * year > 1752
// * 1 <= month <= 12
// * 1 <= day <= 31
// By default returns days of the week.
dayofweek(2017, 6, 16);
dayofweek(2017, 6, 16, true);
dayofweek(2017, 6, 16, 'long');
// → Friday
// Setting translate = 'short' will return shorthand form of the days of the week.
dayofweek(2017, 6, 16, 'short');
// → Fri
// Setting translate = false will return an integer representation of the day of the week.
// i.e. 0=Sun, 1=Mon, ..., 6=Sat
dayofweek(2017, 6, 16, false);
// → 5
// You can pass a translate function. This function will be given the integer
// representation of the day of the week. See above.
dayofweek(2017, 6, 16,
day_index =>
// days of the week in Spanish
// → sábado
// Or you can pass an array.
dayofweek(2017, 6, 16,
// days of the week in Spanish
["lunes", "martes", "miércoles", "jueves", "viernes", "sábado", "domingo"]
// → sábado
Public Domain.