This is a SWANK server written in Python that sits between slime (running in Emacs) and ulisp (running on a microcontroller board connected via a serial port - usually using a USB<->serial convertor)
Install slime.
Add to your init.el:
(setq inferior-lisp-program "python3 path_to-server.py -p 4005 -b board_name")
(setq inferior-lisp-program "python3 ~/ulisp-swank/server.py -p 4005 -b \"Adafruit Feather M4\"")
You can find values for the board name by connecting your board and running the fiollowing in Python.:
import serial.tools.list_ports ports = serial.tools.list_ports.comports()
[p.description for p in ports]
For example, this could result in:
['ttyS0', 'USB-Serial Controller', 'Adafruit Feather M4']
Use the appropriate board name in your init.el file (as shown above).
You will also need to make syre printfreespace is not defined as the swank server depends on a simple > prompt.