This is an experimental UI to generically process Siren speaking http servers. Note that it is developed to access Siren APIs which format Actions using a accessable class link which delivers a JsonSchema.
This Client is (for now) designed to work with the WebApiHypermediaExtensions project. Use the demoserver "CarShack" from this project to have a quick compliant backend.
There will be bugs and it is not very fault tollerant. Be nice to the UI :)
There is a demo deployment for testing: demo
Clean up all the code todos :)
- move to newest angular and rx version
- Use rel of hypermedia links to name breadcrums buttons -> add to ApiPath
- Breadcrums: for query pagination in ApiPath use a drop down button containing all with same url but different query string to save space
- angular2-json-schema-form: 0.7.0-alpha.1 leaves schema version in schema object when translating from schema 4 to 6. Until fixed the schema version is removed before passing on.
Support standard Siren actions (at the moment only WebapiHypermediaExtensions style Actions) with parameters (form encoded): option: generate schema and feed it to the form generator
Detect if link leads to a html site. Open this page in a new tab e.g. navigation in carshack
Config Dialog:
- default api on main page
- developer configs: show empty sections, show classes, show raw tab
- store user config in a cookie
Read selflink and place a refresh button on entities, this could be the first link to extract from default rendering
Add copy button to arbitary links
Add warning are where messages can be shown, maybe console like
Authorization/Authentification support
- basic authentification
- JSON Web Tokens (+ OAuth?)
Add option to add custom headers using the config
make more pretty look for nested objects and lists
- Refactor breadcrum into own control
- Self host material icon font so it is off line enabled (demos!)
- Research: loadable components from remotes at runtime