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This repo is created to make two publications. Please read the README.

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This repo is created to make two publications. Please use the following structure.


root - The two articles, .bib bibliography files, and yml files for markdown conversions, plus reproducbile docx, pdf, epub versions. Work in the Rmd markdown files. If you do not write R code, just ignore the R code chunks, and use it as a clean markdown text.

bib - please save here individual BibTex entries. The consolidated entries will should be placed in one of the main .bib files in the root folder. The pandoc / knitr / RStudio workflow can have hickuups with bib files, so try to save individual files first in bib/xyz.bib. The literature review items should be added to the surveyharmonization.bib file, making sure that at least the title={}, author={} and the year={} fields are not empty, i.e. if there is only a date ={2022-05-06} field, you create a year = {2022} field, too.

not_included - user's scrap directory, excluded by .gitignore. Please put your non-synchronized scaps and code doodles here.

data-raw - data as downloaded, received, as a starting point of our reproducible work. You will find here 5 CAP surveys.

use_cases - .Rmd files for the individual use cases.

R - R code written for the publications. It is better to write stand-alone R codes, and put final 'chunks' into the .Rmd files.

data - Final data outputs that will be placed in the articles.

Article 1. Ex Post Survey Harmonization with retroharmonize


Article 2. Ex Post Harmonization And Data Integration of Cultural Access and Participation Surveys


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This repo is created to make two publications. Please read the README.







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