This repository contains the Drupal installation which is used for
- A working LAMP/LEMP stack (Linux, Apache/NGINX, MySQL, PHP)
- Composer (
- NPM installed globally (
- Gulp installed globally (
See for details about Drupal's requirements and the composer.json file for more specific version requirements on this project.
Download the latest source code and open a terminal in the root directory. Using the following composer command you can download all the required libraries for this project.
composer install
Once Composer is finished downloading all the required dependencies, you can do a full site installation using Drush.
drush si --db-url=mysql://{db_user}:{db_pass}@localhost/{db_database_name} --account-name={username} --account-pass={user_pass} --site-name='Data overheid'
The final step of setting up your Drupal instance requires you to do a configuration import. The initial configuration import should be run twice to make sure that the environment specific configuration is also imported.
drush cim -y
drush cim -y
drush config-set page.front /home
To update an existing project to the latest version you should checkout the latest source code and run the following commands.
composer install
drush updb -y
drush cim -y
drush cr
To generate the theme assets. Navigate to the theme folder, install the required npm modules and run gulp to compile the source files.
cd drupal/themes/custom/koop_overheid
npm install
gulp build