Installs Moodle (3.0+) on RedHat and Debian/Ubuntu servers. Tested with Ansible 5.0
Needs to be a recent LTS release of Ubuntu or REL which have PHP 7.0+, Apache 2.4 and Postgres or Mysql installed.
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml
No dependencies if the host is installed and setup with a LAMP stack ( or similar ) environement. If you are required to install the full environment, I suggest you check:
- geerlingguy.php (Install of PHP 7.x or earlier)
- geerlingguy.apache (Installation of Apache 2.x)
- geerlingguy.postgresql (Installation of Postgres)
- geerlingguy.mysql (Installatiion of Mysql)
This role was created in 2017 by Laurent David, from Jeff Geerling roles templates author of Ansible for DevOps.
We have used Jeff Geerling's tests as a base, so:
Test should run on travis
Locally you can start the test process using the command
The docker instance is destroyed at the end of the test, but you can keep it by setting the environment variable "cleanup" to "false":
cleanup="false" ./tests/
Once the docker has been launch you can rerun the playbook by running:
docker exec --tty $container_id env TERM=xterm ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/roles/role_under_test/tests/test.yml
To test specific playbook such as the part:
docker exec $container_id env TERM=xterm env ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR=1 ansible-playbook -i 'localhost,' -M /etc/ansible/roles/role_under_test/library /etc/ansible/roles/role_under_test/tests/test-check-moodle.yml
Prerequisites are to have docker installed locally. It will run the tests on postgresql only. More info in the file in the tests folder.
There is a small module that checks if moodle is installed/configured in the library folder. More info in the of the library folder.
- Tags tasks
- Pure setup without running moodle install (just folders and source code)
- Install with moodle install,
- ... some optional task such as change password, update, dump database, ...