Security contacts of major companies for vulnerability disclosure.
While doing Bug Bounty, I noticed how hard it is to find the security contacts of companies which are not on HackerOne or BugCrowd.
So I made the effort to spend the hours to collect security contact informations of many companies, including the Fortune 500.
Feel free to contribute and add security contacts that are missing or add a new company.
The current file naming scheme is name_www-domain-com.json, for example Tesla_www-tesla-com.json.
The current json scheme is:
{ "Name" :"Tesla",
"Sector" : "Motor Vehicles & Parts",
"Website" : "",
"Email" : "",
"Security_Link" : "",
"Bug_Bounty_Link" : "",
"Request_Assistance" : "None",
"Verified" : 1,
"Last_Updated" : "03.04.2020"
Thanks, David!