IPv4 addresses are encoded in 32 bits, with a maximum of 4,294,967,296 possible addresses.
Is it possible to see who owns the addresses? This tool tries to answer that question. It's an interactive representation, similar to a Google Map. You can try the tool at this address: ipv4.dev.sarl
At level 0, you can see the sharing of blocks based on regional Internet registries (RIRs).
By zooming in a little more, you can see the ISPs appear. So, with just a glance, you can get an idea of the address range that an ISP owns
I rely on data from iana.org and ip2location to dynamically generate SVG tiles that are displayed using Leaflet. The data is regularly refreshed.
To quickly see who owns an IP address, you can enter the address in a search bar:
You also have the option to do a WHOIS lookup on the selected block:
The reason is that when I started this project, I was not aware of Hilbert's work, so I found my own way of representing a set of numbers with a two-dimensional image. The representation used is very similar to Hilbert's, and in my opinion, more logical. I will try to implement a switch to switch between representations in the near future.