Hi, this is an in-progress minigame made in UE4 inspired in Cooper's Hill Rolling-cheese Race: https://youtu.be/dtvG9XDtjv4
Its main idea is to use the included "Physical Animation" to simulate poses or animations applied to the protagonist while is falling in Ragdoll. This game is a physics-based one and it pretends to be one of many which uses this technique.
It is a multiplatform open-source game which means that anyone could make changes to it for others to play.
You can contribute to this project but please upload your progress here.
Thank you,
Pd for geeks: my idea is to upgrade it by adding neural networks for the protagonist to balance by itself. Like in NaturalMotion's games with DeepMotion's Avatar: https://youtu.be/dZ3KUWcBCEk https://youtu.be/8AOHvH864bM